Nobody enjoys waking up early, but it's something that we all need to learn how to do. After all, the earlier you wake up, the faster you'll start your day, and the more work you'll get done. So here are a few ways to become more of a morning person:
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Buy an Alarm That Forces You to Wake up
There are plenty of alarm clocks that will force you out of bed. Some of them will wheel around the room for you to catch. Some of them will fling puzzle pieces around the room for you to find if you want the noise to stop.
Stop Hitting Snooze
Don't let yourself hit snooze. Tell yourself that it isn't an option.
Set Your Alarm for an Hour Earlier
If you don't think you can resist the snooze button, set your alarm for an hour earlier. That way, you can hit the snooze button ten times and still end up waking up at a decent time.
Adjust Your Bedtime
Your body needs a certain amount of sleep. If you start going to bed earlier, it'll be easier for you to wake up earlier.
Put Your Alarm on the Other Side of the Room
If you don't have the money to invest in a fancy alarm clock, all you have to do is leave your clock on the other side of the room. That way, you'll be forced to get up whenever it goes off.
Preset Your Coffee Machine
It's easier to wake up after you have some caffeine in you. That's why you should set your coffee machine to go off right before you wake up, so you'll have a cup ready for you as soon as you climb out of bed.
Pick Your Clothes out the Night before
If you pick out your clothes the night before you wear them, you'll have less to do in the morning. Then waking up won't feel as stressful.
Have Food to Look Forward to Eating
If you have food that you're looking forward to eating, or a show you're looking forward to watching, it'll be easier to push yourself out of bed.
Leave a Convincing Message on Your Iphone
Your iPhone allows you to leave little messages that'll pop up with your alarm. That means you can write inspirational messages that'll urge you to wake up when you're supposed to.
Don’t Keep Your Phone by Your Bed
It's temping to sit in bed for an hour after you wake up, scrolling through social media. That's why you need to keep your phone far away from your bed.
Keep Water by Your Bed
Water can help wake you up. Keep a bottle of it on your nightstand.
Adjust Blinds so Natural Light Comes in
When you see how sunny it is outside, you'll feel like it's your duty to get up. So keep your blinds open.
Move around as Soon as You Wake up
Try moving your exercise routine to the morning. If you move around right after you wake up, you won't risk falling right back asleep.
Shower in the Mornings
Instead of showering at night, try doing it in the morning. The water will wake you right up.
Make Your Bed as Comfortable as Possible
Buy fluffy pillows and soft blankets. The better rested you are, the easier it'll be for you to start your day.
Have Sex in the Morning
If you're dating, try having sex with your partner as soon as you wake up. It'll help you start your day off happily.
Waking up early will be difficult at first, but once it becomes a routine, it won't be that bad. Practice makes perfect, as they say.
It'll take time to get used to waking up early, but it'll happen eventually. Do you consider yourself to be a morning person or a night owl?
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