If You Are Always Late Here's How to Deal with This Bad Habit ...


If You Are Always Late Here's How to Deal with This Bad Habit ...
If You Are Always Late Here's How to Deal with This Bad Habit ...

I'm always late. To everything. I try so hard to be on time, but it never happens. I'm always down to last minute deadlines. My friends know that everything we schedule has to be on Lyndsie Time, which is 10-20 minutes behind regular time. I know, I know. It's irresponsible, unprofessional, inconsiderate, and rude. It's in my blood, though. I'm still surprised I made it to my own wedding on time. The last time I was early was the day I was born, y'all. Fortunately, I've figured out a few things to help me be … well, if not on time, then a little less late, at least.

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Set All Your Clocks Ahead

Set All Your Clocks Ahead How late are you usually? Set your clocks ahead by that much. Simple trick, but it works … well, unless you don't forget about it later. Then you'll probably go back to being late again.


Ask Your Loved Ones to Lie to You

Ask Your Loved Ones to Lie to You Seriously. Ask your partner, bestie, sister, mom, dad, roommate, whatever, to always tell you that you have to be somewhere 15-20 minutes before you actually have to be there.


Basically, Live a Lie

Basically, Live a Lie As far as time is concerned, yeah. Live a lie. Make time lie to you. It helps.


Create a List of Plausible Excuses

Create a List of Plausible Excuses To explain your lateness. You can't blame it on a flat tire every time. People will start thinking you're a liar. How dare they!


Please Your Phone/alarm Clock across the Room

Please Your Phone/alarm Clock across the Room Then you have to physically get up to turn off the alarm and start ignoring it.

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Learn How to Multitask

Learn How to Multitask It will save you so much time! Here, let me share some of my favorite multitasking habits.


Sleep in the Bathtub

Sleep in the Bathtub If you're often late because you prefer to sleep in the morning instead of getting ready, nap in the tub or the shower!


Become Ambidextrous

Become Ambidextrous So you can apply makeup, do your hair, prepare breakfast, play with the puppy, and take care of the kids all at the same time.


Stay up the Night before Early Appointments

Stay up the Night before Early Appointments To be honest, if I have to be somewhere before ten o'clock in the morning, I'm better off just staying up all night instead. What about you?


Carry Blotting Papers Everywhere

Carry Blotting Papers Everywhere This will deal with the sweating problem you develop from rushing around everywhere in a vain effort to be on time.


Go to Bed Fully Dressed

Go to Bed Fully Dressed That saves you from having to blindly pick out clothes as you rush out the door.


Make like Sleeping Beauty

Make like Sleeping Beauty Meaning, go to bed in a full face of makeup, too. Your #IWokeUpLikeThis pics will always be honest.


Have Photographic Evidence at the Ready

Have Photographic Evidence at the Ready When it's actually not your fault that you're late, make sure you take pictures because no one will believe you ever.


Disavow the Notion of Time

Disavow the Notion of Time Just start telling people that you don't believe in time because it is a social construct designed to turn the entire world into a bunch of 9-5 automatons and you're just not for it.


Stop Making Plans

Stop Making Plans You could always become a hermit. Hermits don't need clocks.


Create Your Own Timezone

Create Your Own Timezone This way, everyone else will be wrong, not you.


Take Pleasure in Shocking Your Friends when You do Show up on Time

It's the best surprise ever. Everyone thinks you're spectacular – until the next time you see them. Because you'll probably be late again.

Are any of you with me? Please tell I'm not just standing here, alone, late, all by myself.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

i hope this is a joke

Lol this isn't serious advice, maybe you need a disclaimer because people are confused

Going to bed with a full face of makeup is never a good idea and neither is going to bed full dressed

Going to bed with makeup on is really bad for you, don't do it

Yes, I do have a habit of being late ( or later than I should) to almost everything. The clock idea is the best one.

Lateness is a bad habit change it


This is a sarcastic post

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