Wall Decals are a great way to spice up an apartment, a house or even a loft. Personally, I love wall decals, I think that they brighten up a once dull space and overall, they are interesting to look at. Have you ever used wall decals before to truly make a space your own? In my current apartment, we have a ton of them room to room because every room has a different theme. That brought the idea of doing the top 9 wall decals that will make any apartment look awesome!
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1. Perfect Flower Stem
Price: $9.96 at amazon.com
This is one of the awesome wall decals that I have in my guest room because it is girly and fun (even if it makes my father-in-law a little uncomfortable). The flowers are bright and pink and the fact that you can put the stems and flowers anywhere you can truly make this wall decal customizable. Whether you are putting up the decals to tell a story or to just make an accent wall, these perfect petals are pretty hot looking!
2. Sakura Blossoms
Price: $12.96 at amazon.com
If you thought that the last batch of flowers were beautiful, this little scene of flowers is even better. Not only does it come with a rainforest of beautiful pink flowers but the shadow of a bicycle is truly unique and different. I like this one and if I had a place for it, I could see this in my living room somewhere.
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3. Tree Branches
Price: $19.97 at amazon.com
I like this one because it is simple, it could actually go in any room and look great. You could also pair it with a couple other tree branch wall decals and make it look like a forest. I'm envisioning this lining the back of my couch to make an interesting accent wall – what do you guys think?
4. Eiffel Tower
Price: $12.21 at amazon.com
One thing that I am obsessed over and will be until I get there is Paris. Not only do I love everything French, but Paris itself is the city I eventually want to live in. This is actually the wall decal that I have in my bedroom, to the right of my bed and I love it! It may look a little complicated to put together because it is in two pieces, but all you do is peel and stick!
5. London Cityscape
Price: $12.99 at amazon.com
If I couldn't live in Paris, London would be the next place. I am in love with British everything, from the boys down to their flag and to have their cityscape along my wall would be awesome! While it might seem like a little small from the description, this cityscape it pretty big and would look great anywhere in your home!
6. New York Cityscape
Price: $12.70 at amazon.com
New York would be the last place I would live if it had to be in the states. While I love Boston, I'm in a New York state of mind constantly and having the cityscape of the beautiful city in my home would be pretty cool. I have wanted this particular wall decal for quite some time and I think this post might inspire me to get it! It'd look ideal in my kitchen!
7. Birds in Trees
Price: $12.99 at target.com
This one actually reminds me a lot of 'The Raven' by Edgar Allan Poe. I think it has to do with the fact that the birds are perched. I think this would look good in a cool and hip apartment. Pair it with a hot pink wall behind it and I swear, it'll bring this wall decal into a whole new light!
8. Graphique Keep Calm Decal
Price: $14.99 at target.com
Do ya'll remember that I mentioned that I love everything British? Well, combine British things with hot pink and you got me sold! This little graphic is absolutely beautiful and I love the saying. 'Keep Calm and Carry On', I think that's a great phrase to live by, nothing it worth stressing over and you can also just carry on. What room would you guys put this in?
9. Audrey Hepburn
Price: $14.99 at target.com
Finally, we come to my idol: Audrey Hepburn. I absolutely love this girly, I have pictures of her all over and she invented classic fashion. I love the silhouette of her here and since this is the first time I am finding this particular wall decal, I think this might be my next purchase!
Wall decals are honestly a great way to spice up your apartment and can actually add in some personality to your decor. If you are looking for an inexpensive way to express yourself, wall decals are it! So what ones do you guys like; do you have anymore that you love? Share 'em with me! I'm always looking for new decals for my bare walls.
Top photo: Aijowallstickers.com