9 Fascinatingly Amazing Songs to Blast While in the Car ...


9 Fascinatingly Amazing Songs to Blast While in the Car ...
9 Fascinatingly Amazing Songs to Blast While in the Car ...

Songs for the Car aren't easy to find – I like to blast my music and you just can't blast all music. Don't worry ladies! If you are heading on a road trip or just looking to take advantage of the fall weather with some awesome tunes to blast. When I'm in the car, I'm constantly looking for new songs for the car that I can put on my iPod and blast. So ladies – here's my top 9 songs for the car to really blast your eardrums out!

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1. Mr. Brightside by the Killers

I swear, Mr. Brightside is totally my go-to song whenever I'm in the car. It's truly a beautiful song in lyrics, a great song in beat and – friggin' awesome to blast! The Killers only have about 3 songs that I really have fallen in love with, but by far, Mr. Brightside is at the top of the 'top songs for the car' list!

2. Sexyback by Justin Timberlake

Now that we've talked about The Killers – let's move onto JT! This guy can bring sexy back with me anytime. This song is seriously one of the greatest songs for the car because it blasts so well. Everyone knows it, the beat is sick and the words just make you feel sexy and like you wanna dance!

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3. Not Afraid by Eminem

If I can't have Justin, give me Eminem. This kid is crazy! So many of the stunts he's pulled, the songs he's written and the beats he's put together are ideal for the car. Not Afraid tops the chart on my songs for the car list – it's deep, meaningful and the beat is awesome!

4. Post Blue by Placebo

Placebo is one of those bands that not a ton of people know. They are a band that only plays in Europe, but they are incredible. I'd have Brian Molko's babies if I could. This song though? It's hot, sexy, it's between you and me baby. Listen to it ladies, I promise that you'll wanna blast it and it'll end up at the top of your songs for the car list!

5. ET by Katy Perry

This songs for the car list wouldn't be complete if we didn't have some Katy Perry on it! This song, Firework, Teenage Dream – everything she sings is ideal for blasting in the car. For me though – ET is the best. It's got a mixture of rap, some hip hop feel and the beat is killer!

6. Fashion by Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is the queen of lyrics, beats and of course fashion. That's what this song is all about – fashion and designers and her love for them. I have to admit – I've blasted this song more times than I care to count in my car and every time, I get some fashionista rocking out with me.

7. Tik Tok by Ke$ha

While I don't wake up and brush my teeth with Jack, this is definitely a song that I put on every blasting CD I make. Blow is another song that is constantly on my songs for the car list. It's fun, it's quirky and it's totally party-chic!

8. Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO

Who wouldn't want to listen to Party Rock Anthem blasting in a car? I would! Come on ladies, keep on shufflin' – it's a great friggin' song and a fantastic beat to blast anywhere!

9. Heartless by the Fray

While it might seem a little weird to blast something this mellow, I like the lyrics. The Fray is my all time favorite heartbreak band. Sometimes, if you are just keeping down, you need a little The Fray to bring you up – that's what this song does for me.

Ladies, I know the pains it takes to find the right songs for the car to keep you awake and dancing. Whether you just looking for some jams to blast on the way to work or some tunes to keep you occupied on a road trip, I know that this list of songs for the car will keep you stimulated while you watch the miles fly by! So what songs do you like to listen to in the car? Share 'em with me!

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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