Pros and Cons of Getting Your Degree Abroad ...


Pros and Cons of Getting Your Degree Abroad ...
Pros and Cons of Getting Your Degree Abroad ...

This article goes over some of the most commonly known pros and cons of getting a degree abroad. Many people do not consider studying abroad because the first thing that comes to mind is difficult foreign languages and shoddy ill-built institutions. This is because the popular mass media has used foreign institutions as something to poke fun at. For example, on the Simpsons, they show an Indian class that has three thousand students in one lesson. These small jabs at foreign institutions have lead to a general consensus that American Universities are far superior to any other. This article gives a few pros and cons for studying in foreign countries, including studying in first world countries (Canada, Europe, and Australia) and less well-off countries.


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It May Be Cheaper to Live

In some countries, you can buy several of their currency with just one dollar. You will find that some countries will allow your few dollars to go a lot further, and therefore once you are over there, you can live quite comfortably on a fraction of what it would cost you to live in your home state.


The Tuition Fees May Be Cheaper

Some countries have far cheaper learning institution fees. This is not because they are of a lower quality, but because the living costs in that country are far lower than in America.


America Does Not Hold All of the World’s Greatest Professors; They Are Spread across the World

You will find some of the world’s greatest professors abroad. Many of them give their lectures in English, especially the professors teaching within Anglo-Saxon countries.


Some Examinations Are Easier Abroad, Whilst Carrying the Same Notoriety in America

This is more of rumor, but many students come back from abroad and claim that the examinations were easier over there. Whether this is true is unknown, but it would appear to be true when students are studying a foreign language in a country where that language is the native one.


Some Foreign Institutions Are Renowned for Their Work in Certain Fields

The same is true in America, but you may wish to study abroad to fully absorb the expertise of the most renowned universities.

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Some Students Have Trouble Staying out of Trouble in Their Own Country

They may find a foreign country a little easier to stay out of trouble in.


The Feeling of Isolation and Alienation Leaves Some Students with No Option but to Work on Their Studies

This is sad but true--if you are not getting invited to the best parties then there are fewer distractions, and some people take solace in concentrating harder on their studies.


A Scholarship to Study Abroad May Be Easier to Attain than One to Study in Your Home Country

This is true if your chosen country is one that is classified as less desirable. This is not a judgment of the country itsself but is more a summation of the fact that very few American students will willingly opt to study in that country without a financial incentive (such as a scholarship/grant).


Some Foreign Institutions Are Held in High Regard across the World

For example, a degree from Princeton or Stanford University will hold a lot of sway overseas, in the same way that a degree from Cambridge or Oxford will hold a lot of sway anywhere in the world. Some universities are so renowned for their excellence that a degree from them may be seen as more impressive than a degree from your home country.



Some Students do Not React Well to the Feeling of Alienation

Some students will drop out of university because they do not like the fact that they are alienated by the native students.


Some Students Have Trouble Adjusting to a Foreign Way of Life

This is often a clash of culture, plus some people react poorly to the changed environment.


Some Students Struggle with the Language Barrier

Even students who are fluent in a foreign language are going to have problems with dialect translation. This may result in an insurmountable amount of frustration for the student.


Some Students Struggle with Illness Due to an Aversion to the Local Environment

Some students have trouble adjusting to the intense heat or cold weather, and others have problems with the local food or water.

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