13 Memorable Ways to Celebrate Independence Day This Year ...


13 Memorable Ways to Celebrate Independence Day This Year ...
13 Memorable Ways to Celebrate Independence Day This Year ...

Thinking of ways to celebrate the 4th of July on your mind? This holiday happens to be one of my very favorites, so I always make a pretty big deal about it. Not only is it fantastic to celebrate our nation’s independence, but it is also just a wonderful, carefree holiday that adds to the joy of the summer season. Make every summer even more eventful with these memorable ways to celebrate the 4th of July.

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Have a Barbecue

people, festival, Having a barbecue is one of those ways to celebrate the 4th of July that kind of goes without saying, but it should certainly be mentioned. There is nothing better than firing up the barbecue, tossing some of your favorite barbecued foods on and having your friends and family members dig in for a tasty meal while dining al fresco. Barbecues make any event memorable – at least that’s my opinion.


Water Fight

, Cool off in the heat of the summer with a fun water fight on the 4th of July. Fill up some squirt guns, fill buckets with water balloons, soak sponges in water and have a full-on water fight. You’ll be cooled off, the laughs will be loud and you’ll have memories to last a lifetime.

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Head to the Beach

sun tanning, swimwear, The beach is another one of those traditionally activities to enjoy on the 4th of July, and for good reason: because it is awesome! Pack a cooler, some towels, some sand toys and any other necessities you’d need for the beach and get ready to spend the day having some fun in the sun. You and your family are sure to enjoy a fun-filled 4th of July to remember.


Boat Ride

people, ceremony, ritual, If you have access to a boat, test out your sea legs on the 4th of July. You can set sail on the open waters, try fishing, water skiing, tubing, diving into the refreshing water and just hanging back and relaxing. Stay out until the sun sets and watch the fireworks being blasted off from the shoreline. Now, that will certainly be a view.


Make Crafts

pink, play, organ, toy, hand, Making crafts may be the last thing you think of when celebrating the 4th of July, but it can actually be a lot of fun, especially if you have kids. Make some patriotic crafts, like windsocks, from crepe paper steamers and construction paper. While you’re making the crafts, discuss the reason why we celebrate this holiday.

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Hit a Parade

cheering, basketball moves, sports, audience, What is more patriotic than a good, old fashioned parade on the 4th of July? Get the kiddos dressed up in patriotic attire (and sport some yourself), pull out your American flags and show your pride in your country at an Independence Day parade.


Fireworks Display

fireworks, event, recreation, outdoor recreation, No 4th of July celebration is complete without watching a fireworks display. Do a little research and find out where one is being held in your area. Pack up some blankets, get a spot early and set up camp to enjoy a colorful extravaganza.


Go to a Baseball Game

, One of the best ways to spend a summer afternoon is to hit up a baseball game. And when it comes to sports, it's about as American as it gets! Go to a game, kick back, and enjoy quality time with family and friends.


Patriotic Movie Marathon

, If you'd rather stay out of the heat and stay home or maybe you work that day and just want to relax. Either way, there are plenty of patriotic movies you can watch and still celebrate the holiday. Some good options include: The Patriot, Top Gun, National Treasure, and Lincoln.


Take a Trip

advertising, brand, driving, If you're able to take the time off and get away, why not take a trip somewhere? Head to Boston or Philadelphia where you can take in some history or someplace known for awesome fireworks like the Macy's 4th of July fireworks show in New York City or America's Biggest Birthday Party in St.Louis.


Go to a Concert

performance art, musical theatre, music, stage, audience, No matter what city you live in, chances are there is a free concert close by. Dress up in your most patriotic outfit, gather up the fam or your besties, and dance the night away! You can enjoy the fresh air, enjoy some good music, and make some great memories.


Go on a Run

muscle, endurance sports, Lots of places have 4th of July runs and if you're the type who likes to stay as active as possible, sign yourself up! Not only is a run a great way to work off the BBQ, you'll meet some cool people, and you'll get to go on a scenic tour of the city!


Go to an Amusement Park

amusement park, park, outdoor recreation, amusement ride, extreme sport, If roller coasters and games are your thing, round up some friends and go to your favorite amusement park! Or, beat the heat and hit up a water park. Either way, you can indulge in some good food, go on some fun rides, and enjoy a parade or fireworks show.

The 4th of July will be back around before you know it. Make each one a holiday to remember by planning a fun-filled day. Which of these activities will you be doing on the 4th of July? Or do you have your own traditions?

This article was written in collaboration with editor Lisa Washington.

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My family and I are having a barbecue and then heading to a baseball game afterwards

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