There are many ways to make DIY Wallpapers. You can paint, glue, stick, or draw them. You can also use materials that you probably would not consider for making a** DIY wallpaper**. The ideas we have here are simply brilliant, really. I shall not make you wait any longer because I'm sure you're all quite excited to make over that blank wall your home.
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1. Glued Fabric
You have no idea how many times I have considered using fabric to make a DIY wallpaper. I happen to have a huge fabric collection and some of them are too pretty not to show off. When I finally get the courage to cover one wall of our flat with fabric, I will follow this tutorial.
2. Embossed Look
Isn't this gorgeous? What's even more impressive is the fact that this wallpaper is hand painted. According to the genius blogger who painted this wall, this "wasn't terribly difficult; just time-consuming." Well, if you have time to burn, this is a great DIY wallpaper idea for you.
3. Painted Peonies and Girly Stuff
Can you believe that Danika painted this "wallpaper?" It looks store-bought, doesn't it? She has graciously showed us photos of how she created this beautiful wall. She assures us: "Some painting skills are necessary here, but overconfidence can work too. I am a big believer in mindset, and if you think you can do it you can. Really!"
4. Painted Pattern
This is probably the most popular DIY wallpaper tutorial today. For those who have never encountered this beautiful Moroccan-inspired wall, the link below will show you the tutorial. It's genius, I tell you.
The Moroccan-inspired trend shows no signs of slowing down. With just some paint and a steady hand, you can transform a dull space into a masterpiece that looks like a million bucks. But worry not if your hand isn't the steadiest – a simple stencil will do the trick. Whether you want intricate geometric patterns or a more free-spirited brush stroke, going the painted route gives you the flexibility to choose colors that speak to you, creating a bespoke space that's as unique as you are. Dive into this tutorial and watch your walls come to life!
5. Drawn Forest
This wallpaper idea will take a lot of your time, too, but the result is ridiculously fantastic. The basic steps are drawing your preferred pattern onto the wall using pencil and then redrawing using black pen.
6. Painted Geometric
This is a** fantastic DIY wallpaper** idea for many reasons. One, you can go overboard with the colors but without the tacky effect. Two, you will be able to use the many cans of leftover paint in your garage. Three, geometric patterns are trendy these days. And four, the patchwork feel will make anyone smile.
7. Printed and Spray-Starched
This idea is not for everyone but it's quite clever. You will need to come up with a pattern that you like and then decide how to glue said pattern to the wall. Check out the link for more detailed instructions. Design variation: go for a black on white illustration and glue to an all-white wall.
8. 3D Effect
This DIY wallpaper is made of strips of MDF board. If you happen to have a lot of MDF board scraps, you can use them for making over a wall in your home. It's a brilliant idea, as you can see from the photo above.
9. Book Pages
Take book pages, apply wallpaper paste to the back, and glue to the wall. Once you've covered the whole wall, apply clear top coat to seal. Design variation: use very old book pages for a vintage and magical feel.
10. Stapled Fabric
This is another way to use fabric for making your own wallpaper. Instead of gluing it to the wall, you can use staple wires. Monica and Jess show us how.
I know that these DIY wallpaper ideas are not exactly simple to do and that they can be a bit time-consuming. But those reasons add to the appeal of these DIY wallpaper projects; they clearly are labors of love. Besides, they're cheap compared to using store-bought wallpaper and saving money is always a good thing.