7 Wonderful Tips for Getting a Good SAT Score ...


We all know the SAT can be stressful, since it plays a big role in your college admissions, which is the main reason why it’s important to be aware of all tips for getting a good SAT score. When you are competing with people all over the world, you can’t let yourself cram for the exam a day before the test. As laborious as it can be, getting a good SAT score requires months of work in advance! In order to make your preparation easier, here are 7 tips for getting a good SAT score.

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Practice Months in Advance

One of the most common mistakes students make is that they begin their SAT prep a couple of days before the test. Although you might be able to wing some of your school tests and achieve a good score, the SAT is not the same. It requires hard work months in advance! That’s why one of the first tips for getting a good SAT score is to prepare in advance, because after all practice makes perfect!


Use Real SAT Questions

Although there are many prep books with useful tips and tricks, it’s important to practice with real SAT questions that come from College Board. It’s the only way you can analyze the questions and think of a plan of attack! If you wanted to learn how to drive a car, you wouldn’t practice with a bike, right?


Study Vocabulary

Although it is impossible to learn all of the vocabulary in the world, it would still help to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary that shows up most frequently on the test. Some of the best ways to do it is to purchase vocabulary cartoon books that provide images along with definitions. The images stick in your mind better than the definition itself so it’s easier to remember!


Read More Books

If you are not already a book worm, start reading! It’s the best way to become accustomed to proper grammar and learn new vocabulary. It’s not as strenuous as SAT prep but has an equal value for score improvement. Not only that, but you can actually use some of the literature for your essay! That's killing three birds with one stone!


Make a Schedule for Yourself

When it comes down to it, getting a good SAT score all depends on your work ethic! If you don’t work hard enough, none of these tips and SAT prep courses are going to help. That’s why it’s crucial that you design a schedule for yourself and dedicate at least an hour each day for SAT prep.

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Practice Writing

The first section of the test is the essay, which is why writing skills are fundamental for this test. It’s important to know how to use all of the tools in your brain in order to comprise a good essay that can bump up your writing score. One of the best ways to do that is to train yourself with different essay prompts!


Build up Your Stamina

The SAT test consists of 10 sections and it lasts 4 hours long! The only way you can manage to get a desired score on this exam — and not fall asleep in the middle of it — is if you build up your stamina. The best way to do it is to time yourself as if you are taking the test and try to manage your time during each section. This goes back to practicing, every day, months in advance!

Hopefully these tips take your one step closer to that 2400! Remember the only way to get your desired scores is to work for it. What are your tips to getting a good SAT score? Help me out and share!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

thank I'll try ur tips

very helpful to all exams!

can you do about act and what books to use to study for them or some good websites and stuff to study

Thank you so much!

I'm a freshman and the #1 tip I learned for SAT/ACT is to stay calm during the test and do NOT make the test a bigger deal than it is

Great tip!

This Is good to use from 3 years from now

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