What Your Ring Finger Length Reveals about Your Personality ...


What Your Ring Finger Length Reveals about Your Personality ...
What Your Ring Finger Length Reveals about Your Personality ...

Your fingers say a lot about your personality. Scientists continue to search for meaning in our hands and have uncovered interesting relations specific to your ring finger length --research states that high levels of exposure to testosterone in the womb slows the growth of your index fingers, which leaves a greater distance between your index and ring fingers. High levels of testosterone has a link to your index finger being shorter than your ring finger; low levels of testosterone has a link to your index finger and ring finger being about the same length. Here is what your ring finger length reveals about your personality.

The important thing to remember is that the shorter your index finger is compared to your ring finger, the greater the characteristic described below relates to you..

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High Levels of Testosterone Exposure: You're Awesome at High Endurance Activities

Women who have extra exposure to testosterone are much better at endurance activities, like long distance running.


High Levels of Testosterone Exposure: Math and Puzzles Are Your Thing

More testosterone relates to being better at crunching numbers. There might be some truth to the stereotype of men being better at math because they have more testosterone, but women can also be naturally good in this subject if they have higher levels of testosterone exposure.


High Levels of Testosterone Exposure: You Are Less Likely to Be Faithful to One Person

More testosterone means a greater chance of not being faithful to one partner. You are more likely to have multiple partners and date around, not being in a committed relationship. Your attitude towards having just one partner is a direct link to your finger length.


High Levels of Testosterone Exposure: You Are More Likely to Be Attracted to Women

Those who identified themselves as lesbian were more likely to have a bigger difference between their index finger and ring finger length. This changes when your index finger and ring finger are about the same length. You are more likely to...


Low Levels of Testosterone Exposure: You're More Likely a Monogamist

You will be more likely to be in a long-term relationship with just one person due to biology--if your mate stayed around, your offspring would be more likely to survive.

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Low Levels of Testosterone Exposure: You Have a Great Memory

Tasks that require you to remember facts is due to low levels of testosterone. You might remember your grocery list way better than your male partner.


Low Levels of Testosterone Exposure: Anxiety and Depression Are at a Greater Risk

These diseases are more common for women because of their association with female hormones. Are you way more stressed and depressed than your man? This is probably the reason why--biology!


Low Levels of Testosterone Exposure: You Are More Likely to Want Marriage

Less testosterone exposure in the womb meant that that person would be more likely to get married. Researches found that there is a biological preference among men for women with more female characteristics.

Digit ratio, behavior, and personality have been researched for years to understand the connection between higher and lower testosterone exposure levels. It's most surprising because it seems as if all of these findings are stereotypical traits of men and women. What were you most surprised to learn about your finger length? Comment below!

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The article doesn't match with the title. Maybe something went wrong?

And how so you know your Testosteron Level?

So if the ring finger is slightly shorter than the index finger; it might indicate testosterone levels being higher? Okay I have other hormonal imbalances too, which became more prominent after having children. No serious mustache or beard, lol

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