12 Tips for Starting Your Own Busniess ...


12 Tips for Starting Your Own Busniess ...
12 Tips for Starting Your Own Busniess ...

Starting a new business can be quite harrowing! But follow guest contributor Talia's tips to make this process easier and succeed...

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1. Keep an Idea Log/journal

Make sure you keep something close to you that you can constantly use to jot down your business thoughts and ideas throughout the day. You're going to have lots of questions and ideas going through your head. It's important to be logging all of this daily.

2. Be Organized and if You're Not, Start to Be

In order to keep stress levels down when starting (and later on running) a business organization is key. Documents need to be filed. Meetings need to be scheduled. None of this should be unattended to.

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3. Keep Your Smart Phone Close

Notice that I said smart phone. It's a good idea to have a smart phone on you so that you may always have access to your e-mails, internet, bank accounts and more. This will keep you at the top of your game and is important for communication purposes.

4. Start Communicating

Things can not be left up in the air or you will lose business and potentially staff. Be clear about what you want for your business and how you're going to manage everything. Details go a long way. The last thing you want is for your clients and employees to be confused about their role. If you don't have good communication skills make sure you either have or hire someone that can work closely with you and can send out information for you or be the face of your new business.  For legal and procedural clarity, consider consulting a company formation agent to help navigate the complexities of setting up your business.

5. Figure out a Unique and Great Way to Market Your Business

Unless you have a ton of connections already, it is possible that you may need a plan to market your business. Do some research and find out what works best for you. There are a ton of great blogs on how to use social networking applications. There also might be a local magazine that you can advertise with to start.

6. Know Your Numbers

Make sure you have a system to keep track of accounts meaning all incoming and outgoing expenses. Depending on what type of business it is there will be a system that works best for you. Depending on the size of your company as well, you may need to hire or contract an accountant.

7. Start Having Fun with It

It's important to love what you do. If you're not having fun with what you're doing then I can guarantee you that you will not be working at your full potential and won't be as successful.

8. Find Your Business's Niche

Find out what is at the heart of your business and what aspect of it is going to draw attention. When you've figure that out, run with it. Think about what you want to be known for and make it happen.

9. Be Ethical and Have a Mission Statement

Make sure you know what the overall vision of your new business is and create a mission statement to communicate this with others. Know that ethics are important for the survival of your business and never compromise another person's rights. There will be moments when you will have to choose between what is easy and what is right. Choose what is right. Your choices will determine the future of your business far beyond your ability.

10. Work Hard

Be prepared to work hard and work through tough times. A great quote to remember is: «Everyone who has ever taken a shower has had an idea. It's the person who gets out of the shower, dries off, and does something about it that makes a difference,» - Nolan Bushnell. You're not going to get anyways without action. As powerful as your mind is, action is needed for business.

11. Take Time for Yourself

Health is of upmost importance if you want to perform at your best. Make sure you are sleeping enough, eating right and taking time to yourself to de-stress and relax. Everyone needs moments of peace and quiet in their life, make sure you are getting yours.

12. Take Time for Friends and Family

Even though this is last on my list, it is one of the most important things to do. Your true friends and family will always be there for you. They are the ones that believe in you and will remind you to believe in yourself. Make sure they are always a priority in your life and you are spending quality time with them. Not only will this make you a better person but it will keep you young and keep love in your life and I believe that love conquers all. Thank you for reading.

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I can't wait to begin implementing these tips when I start my business! Thanks so much!

this is gud

Nice article but the title is......

Wow awesome article I will refer to these once I get started Thank you

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