7 Things That Affect What You Dream about ...


7 Things That Affect What You Dream about ...
7 Things That Affect What You Dream about ...

Maybe you love having vivid dreams. Maybe you hate them. No matter how you feel about them, you should try to understand why you're having them. According to Good Housekeeping, these things affect what you dream about:

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cartoon, play, screenshot, mural, anime, If the smell of flowers hits you while you sleep, you'll have pleasant dreams. If you smell sulphur, you'll have nightmares. You might even dream about your breakfast if you smell the bacon cooking.



Sounds If a sound is high enough for you to hear, but low enough that it doesn't wake you up, you might dream about it. That's why you might not realize that your alarm is going off, because in your dream, it's the sound of a fire whistle.

Frequently asked questions


Going to Bed Hungry

Going to Bed Hungry "Low blood sugar can rouse you from sleep, meaning you may remember more dreams and those dreams may star a juicy burger or a piping-hot piece of pizza."


Sleeping on Your Stomach

Sleeping on Your Stomach This is linked to having sexy dreams. So if you want to dream about making out with your crush, sleep on your stomach.


Watching Black-and-White TV Shows

cartoon, mural, screenshot, fictional character, illustration, People who grew up in the black-and-white TV days tend to dream in black and white. Meanwhile, kids nowadays who are used to seeing color tend to dream in color.

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Quitting Smoking

sky, cartoon, ecosystem, illustration, For some reason, quitting smoking can cause vivid dreams. You'll probably end up dreaming about smoking, but that certainly isn't a sign to pick up another cigarette.



Antidepressants Nightmares can actually be a side effect of antidepressants. However, they affect each person differently.

Do you remember your dreams in the morning?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I sleep on my stomach a lot and let's just say...I hate waking up😏😂

I may have to sleep on my stomach more often.

You need to try a salt rock in your bedroom. It will

Watching dreadful film makes me have have nightmares esp late at night

Wow....the stomach thing is hilarious!🤓

Antidepressants definitely can cause nightmares, I have had nightmares for months after altering my dose, I haven't had nightmares since I was a kid, and now they're vivid and feel so real during the time. I find a drop of lavender and vanilla on my pillow or in a diffuser helps tons. A sleep aid is a must if you have nightmares as well :)

I always remember all of my dreams. Even them from years ago

Yes I slept on my stomach and I dreamt of making love to my bf☺️ soo accurate

Playing video games depends too

95% of the time or more I remember my dreams. I still remember dreams I've had since before grd2 (now in grd11). I also tend to have the same dream I had a while back if the same situation happened like when I move, the first nigh I always have the exact same dream. I love the stomach idea btw XD

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