7 Easy Ways You Can Help save Animals ...


There are ways you can help save animals, so that they get to live the lives of freedom they deserve. No one likes the idea of an innocent animal getting hurt. They can’t stand up for themselves in the way that we can, so we have to protect them. If you want to be a hero, here are a few ways you can help save animals:

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1. Act like a Vegan

Becoming a full fledged vegan is too drastic for most people. However, just because you won’t give up meat doesn’t mean that you can’t act like a vegan in other ways. Refuse to wear cow leather, snake skin, or any kind of fur. Why would you want to walk around wearing something that an animal was hurt for? One of the ways you can help save animals is by refusing to support companies who profit off of them.

2. Adopt

This is the best way to save a life! Head to a shelter and adopt a doggie or kitty that is in need of a loving home. Puppies are adopted the quickest, so why not opt for an older animal? If they’re a year or two old, chances are that they’re already potty trained and won’t rip your house apart. The older, the better.

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3. Volunteer at a Shelter

If you love animals, you’ll have no problem working with them. You can’t adopt every single animal you see, but you can help them all out. By volunteering at a shelter, you’ll be doing good for animals, and you’ll be having fun. What could be better than spending your days feeding and petting your new furry friends?

4. Cruelty-free Products

Before buying your makeup or shampoo, check the label on the container. Make sure that it clearly states that the product was not tested on animals. Too many companies sacrifice animal lives in order to better their brand. In order to protest their cruelty, never buy a product that was tested on an innocent animal.

5. Keep Pets Safe

Once you own a dog or cat, make sure you protect them. Put a collar and tags on them in case they run away. Use natural cleaners, so that they don’t end up consuming something hazardous. Now that you have a pet, you’re in charge of keeping him or her safe.

6. Get Friends Involved

You don’t have to shove your beliefs down anyone’s throat. However, if you have a friend or two that shares your love for animals, ask them to come down to the shelter with you to volunteer. Or, if that’s too big of a step, do something small like share this list with them. You shouldn’t force anyone to share your morals. Of course, you’re free to let them know what they could do for the environment, if they’re willing.

7. Donate

If you don’t have time to dedicate toward saving animals, you still have money. There are plenty of charities to donate to, both big and small. Just make sure you do your research before donating, because you don’t want to give your cash to the wrong foundation. As long as you know that your check will do some good, give as much or as little as you can. Every penny counts.

We can all do little things that contribute to a huge cause. Do you have any pets? What kind?

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I hope that also mate I really do. It's hard to believe that these things go on. It's painful to face and I still have nightmares on occasion. You just have to do what you can and enjoy and love the animals that you do have, and be patient with others until they are ready and curious to make the compassionate change for themselves.

@Clarabella3, I agree it's very disgusting and traumatizing I just hope more and more people can realize like us and that we don't need meat.

I love this post, and agree that we should see more of these. The animals live with us, and they rely on us to to make certain they are treated humanely, and I believe this is our moral responsibility. This is just my personal opinion, but our Native American forebears maintained this moral responsibility, living in harmony with nature, respecting nature, yet still relying on nature for sustenance. While I can't claim to be a Native American, I do try to follow this example. It's not vegan, it's not PETA, but I do think that mindful eating and opposing animal cruelty, and supporting it in any way I can is a compassionate middle ground.

Great article! Animal lovers can also go to care2.org and quickly sign (or start) petitions for topics they care about

@Sterre, I know how that can be its worst feeling knowing u can't help all of them but it's not our fault its the morons who abandon them we just have to try and help them as much as we can

Why act like a vegan when you can become one? It's not drastic at all! Killing and animal abuse for food is about as drastic as it gets!!

Going vegetarian or vegan is the best thing you can do in compassion for them. It makes such a colossal difference for one person to go vegan/vegetarian. Most people are so afraid to make the change and it's understandable. We've been conditioned our whole lives to eat meat without stopping to think about how that 'meat' got onto our plate. It's not like joining some weird nerdy cult or anything lol! I'm so proud that I can enjoy a healthy lifestyle, I eat better now as a vegetarian and sleep well at night knowing that I don't contribute to their suffering. Nothing is going to die for me, when there are so many amazing tasty alternatives anyway. I urge anyone (courageous enough to open their minds) to watch the video called 'Earthlings' on YouTube. It's a terrible thing to see, buts it's oh so real, and it's something you have the power to do something about by making the compassionate decision to stop eating meat. It's time the world started to wake up.

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