8 Amazingly Creative Family Gift Ideas ...


8 Amazingly Creative Family Gift Ideas ...
8 Amazingly Creative Family Gift Ideas ...

Family Gift Ideas are a great idea. I just love giving creative gifts for the holidays. Looking for family gift ideas is great because you can incorporate everyone. You can come up with a really thoughtful gift that everyone can enjoy -- and there are so many great family gift ideas out there, choosing one will be a breeze! These 8 amazingly creative family gift ideas are the perfect thing to give to the entire family. There is something for everyone to love.

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Movie Passes

This is one of the best family gift ideas, because who doesn't love going to the movies? There are so many great family movies come out in 2012. Movie tickets or a gift card to the families nearest movie theater is a great family gift. You can add enough money of the gift card for tickets and snacks.


Family Game Night

What better way to spend a night in with the kids than family game night? As the holidays approach many national retailers will have excellent deals on board games. Grab a couple of classics and present these family gifts to the neighbors or other families on your list.

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Yearly Zoo Membership

Most local zoos have a membership that offers families entrance into the zoo for free after the purchase of the membership. It’s a family gift they can continue to use through out the year and may even get into other near by zoos for free or deeply discounted. This makes the list of great family gift ideas because it's a learning experience, too.


Yearly Museum Memberships

This family gift works the same as the zoo membership. Families can check out all the exhibits through out the year. Often time the membership is good for multiple museums.


Movies at Home

Families with smaller children may do better staying home to watch movies. You can create family gift ideas by placing a gift cards to a video rental store along with microwave popcorn, movie theater sized candies, and a couple of 20 ounce drinks.

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Snow Day Activities

As parents, keeping the kids entertained on a snow day, or even the long holiday break can be tiresome. Plan a family gift of activities such as crafts, games, and puzzles. The kids will be so excited to have something to do and Mom and Dad will be thankful you took the guess work out of how to keep the kids entertained.


Restaurant Gift Cards

Gift cards make fantastic family gift ideas. Taking a family of four or more out to dinner can get pricey. Take some of the pressure off the family by giving gift cards to their favorite kid friendly restaurant. Another family gift options is to look for gift cards to fun themed restaurants like Renaissance style ones.


Hot Chocolate

Everyone loves a nice warm cup of hot chocolate. You can make your own hot chocolate mix by layering the dry ingredients into a mason jar and attaching instructions on how to prepare. Add in some nice hot chocolate mugs to complete this gift idea.

It's the season for giving. When you use one of these family gift ideas, you're giving a gift to the whole family. Everyone can have a good time, and that is so thoughtful! The nice thing about these 8 amazingly creative family gift ideas is you don’t have to try to think up presents for each individual, saving you time and money. What will you be using any of these **family gift ideas **this holiday season?

Top image source: weheartit.com

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