Helpful Websites All College Students Need to Bookmark ASAP ...


Helpful Websites All College Students Need to Bookmark ASAP ...
Helpful Websites All College Students Need to Bookmark ASAP ...

Instead of browsing the internet to avoid doing your assignments or to watch your favorite show on Netflix, your time can be more valuably spent. Your bookmarks ribbon is better fitted with really useful student websites rather than links to your favorite cat video or hot guys Tumblr feed. These following websites will make all aspects of your student life better.

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Ultimate Site for Mega Student Discounts

This site is the absolute go to for students who are in the mood for shopping but want to remain within their precious budgets. The site compiles all of the best discounts from many different leading brands.


A Site That Ensures You Get the Best Teaching

This site is kind of like Yelp but for college professors! You can log in and check out the honest student reviews under the name of the professors that you have been given on your timetable.


A Hidden Gem for Searching Academic Articles

Not many students will be aware that there is an academic source search engine right there under their fingertips. Google Scholar is great for when you are writing important essays.


A Bibliography Generator That Will save You Hours of Work

Easy Bib is an absolute godsend for students who know all too well how time consuming compiling a bibliography can be. Just enter your sources in to the site and it creates a citation for you!


The Best Site for Setting up a Student Budget

This is a site where you can track your daily spending and see in what places you can cut back to stay on top of your budget.

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A Free Site That Gives You Lots of Presentation Options

Gone are the days when you were screwed if you didn’t have Microsoft PowerPoint! This brilliant site is a great resource for students who want to make a professional looking presentation for class.


The Site That Will Help You Write Great Essays

Sometimes the perfect word isn’t there on the top of your tongue, so this online thesaurus is the perfect aid for elevating your essay work to the next level.


A Fun Site That Keeps You on Top of Trends and Pop Culture

Social media trends and pop culture highlights brought to you in a hilarious and refreshing way. Perfect for a student who wants their news in a more light-hearted fashion.


The Best Companion for Reading on the Move

Students have to get through a crazy amount of books during the semester. Make it easier by letting audible read them to you while you are on the move!


The Number One Source for Everything College Life

The Huffington Post College section is a treasure trove of student resources and articles ranging from Greek life to handling student debts.


A Handy Site for Work Breaks and Procrastination

If you worked for twelve hours straight on a project you would lose your mind, head over to College Humor for some much needed funny content that will help you to refresh.


A Great Site for Exploring Internship Options

This is a site that allows you to create a profile for yourself and search and apply for a number of different internships that could further your career ambitions.


A Site That Bans You from Procrastinating!

When you really need to work, you can head to this site and input a ban on all of your favorite websites for any given stretch of time. It can stave off procrastination really effectively.


The Godfather of Organizational Skills

A site and app service that allows you to compile and organize your notes over several different devices, meaning that you can always have a way of accessing your information.


A Website That Can Make Studying Fun Again

This site enables you to create fun pop quizzes on a variety of subjects that you can share with your fellow students to put the fun back in to revising.


A Great Site for Some Fun Reading in between Essays

This site is specifically aimed at ‘Generation Y’, filled with cool articles and news stories that will keep you up to date between essays, classes and revision.


The Perfect Site for Students Who Love Kitties!

This awesome online writing aid will present you with a new picture of cute kitten’s every time you reach the 100 words milestone. How’s that for motivation!


The Site That Will Help You Stop Worrying about College Fees and Living Expenses

This site has an amazing list of scholarships that is constantly updated. The scholarships available are incredibly diverse: Play the ukulele? There’s even a scholarship for it.

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