How to Tactfully Deal with Disappointment at Christmas ...


How to Tactfully Deal with Disappointment at Christmas ...
How to Tactfully Deal with Disappointment at Christmas ...

Do you need some ways to tactfully deal with disappointment at Christmas? Whether it's being gifted a hideous sweater you'll never wear or the inevitable family arguments, Christmas is a festive minefield. But with these tips you can negotiate the holidays without any upset! Try these ways to tactfully deal with disappointment at Christmas …

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Ghastly Gifts

You're bound to need some ways to tactfully deal with disappointment at Christmas when you open your gifts! We've all got the relative who has no idea of your tastes and buys something you're guaranteed to hate. Try to sound enthusiastic by thinking of an occasion it will 'come in handy for' - and next year suggest that they can always save themselves time and effort by purchasing a voucher.


Rotten Relatives

If you're obliged to spend Christmas with relatives you don't like, try to keep the peace. Organise the seating so that you're not placed next to anyone you don't get on with. Try to spend as much time in different rooms so that you don't have to talk to them. And if they say anything inflammatory, just ignore them - it's not the time to have a row, as the day will be spoiled for others.

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Frightful Food

Place plenty of other food on your plate, so that if any of it is disappointing you can leave it on the grounds that you're full. It's also helpful to take some prepared dishes when you're dining away from home. That way, if your relatives or friends aren't the best of cooks you can be sure that there will be something for you to eat!


Awful Arguments

Sometimes - usually when they've had too much to drink - relatives seem determined to pick a row. They'll say mean things and criticise you, forgetting that it's supposed to be the season of goodwill. Try to blame it on the alcohol consumption and take no notice of them.


Shocking Shops

Shopping can be immensely stressful at Christmas, especially if your kids want something that's in demand. Don't make yourself stressed by chasing all over looking for the perfect gifts. Tell your kids that Santa will do his best but he's very busy. And do your shopping online or locally in smaller shops to avoid the crush.

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Woeful Work Parties

Work Christmas parties can be a dreadful experience. But some employers expect you to attend work festivities whether you want to or not. If you really can't get out of a work party, stay for one drink and then find an excuse to rush off. You may be able to get away with claiming a prior arrangement for that evening, however.


Tricky Travel

Finally, if you have to travel via train or plane over Christmas, book your tickets as early as possible. That way you'll be sure of getting a seat and won't have to spend a fortune on your fare. If you're driving, allow for increased traffic, have an alternative route, and make sure that your car is ready for the journey.

By following these tips, you'll hopefully be able to avoid experiencing any disappointment at Christmas, and if anything does go wrong you'll be able to handle it gracefully. What has been your best or worst Christmas experience?

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#2 When they sit and eat all the chocolates after you have been polite to offer them ONE, as you have done at their house and politely accepted and only eaten ONE

#1 It is very difficult to constantly say how wonderful your presents are when time after time people give you "something special" that totally misses your tastes. This sounds very ungrateful, but these are people who are supposed to know you, sometimes I think I am a complete stranger. Why buy me something depicting cats when I have two dogs?

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