7 Tips for Planning a Great Girls' Night out ...


7 Tips for Planning a Great Girls' Night out ...
7 Tips for Planning a Great Girls' Night out ...

Are you in need of a great girls’ night out? Has your work week just begun but, yet, you find yourself already looking ahead to the weekend? If so, it’s good to know I’m not alone! Each day is filled with many details to keep track of and responsibilities to satisfy that a break in the routine is most welcome. If you feel the same way, then you are also definitely in need of a great girls’ night out! Below are seven tips to help you start planning.

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No Guys Allowed

Number one on my list for a great girls’ night out is: leave my partner behind. The point of a girl’s night out is to have a fabulous time, on your own, away from your significant other. Hang out with your girlfriends. Have a fabulous evening away from home or work, stress and responsibilities. I love my partner but I also love a good evening alone with my friends. Enjoy yourself.


Create a Great Look

Once you’ve gotten your core group and destination set you need a great look! Think color, great makeup, and gorgeous hair. Choose an outfit that is appropriate to the venue, compliments your shape, and makes you feel confident. Get styled and enjoy your night hanging out with your girls, but keep it classy. Don’t let your girls hang out.


Go with a Theme

I like themed events. They can ensure that your event will not be too familiar or conventional. One weekend my girlfriends and I decided to try an 80’s themed girls’ night out. We started our evening early with a fun movie after to set the mood. After the movie we ventured out wearing our classy yet updated take on 80’s fashion. We ended the night at an 80’s themed night at a club. Fun!


Or Go with the Flow

If themes aren’t for you then go with the flow. Decide on a general location for your night and, when the time comes, let the evening unfold in front of you. There are plenty of options for an easy-going fun night with the ladies. I like themed events but sometimes they are predictable. Going with the flow shakes up the night just enough for me while entertaining the entire group.


Think Transportation

One of the last things you want to think about is an interruption in your lovely girls’ night out. However, this topic is unavoidable when planning responsibly. Recently, a couple girlfriends and I enjoyed a mini country music concert. We had a blast dancing to the music and sharing tastes of our drinks with each other. Luckily, for us, the concert location was very close to home and it provided transportation. If your venue does not provide transportation then hit the Internet! With a little research you can find other transportation options pretty easily.

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Leave the Kids at Home, if You Have Them

My Princess (yes, I call her that) is a wonderful human being and endlessly fascinating little girl! But on a girls’ night out, no matter the location, she stays home with my partner. And so does all the talk of children and homework. When I’m on a girls’ night out, I focus on my interests and ideas apart from my family life. But, like chocolate, talk of children sneaks in and I indulge – happily.


Enjoy and Tip Well

Lastly, and most importantly, enjoy your time with your friends! Put that smart phone in your bag now so that you can capture memories later. Pack a small gift for everyone as a surprise. On your night out show your appreciation for their friendship through kind words. And, while you’re at it, show your appreciation to a particularly good waiter or bartender by tipping well. Generosity with your time, words, and money will be remembered.

I love a good girls’ night out and welcome the chance to renew my spirits in good company. Whether your girls’ night out includes an overnight trip to Las Vegas or a few hours at a bar in town, make it fun! Do you have any tips for planning a great girls’ night out? Please, share!

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I love it

Oh my gosh when I have GNOs, the girls and I always go eat some crazy food! It is so exciting! And then we boogie all night!

Sounds fun, Jenny!

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