7 Rules of the Girl Code Book Every Female Needs to Know about ...


7 Rules of the Girl Code Book Every Female Needs to Know about ...
7 Rules of the Girl Code Book Every Female Needs to Know about ...

You are probably already aware of the Girl Code Book; it’s one of the first things we learn about when it comes to friendships. Female friendships specifically can get a little complicated, which is why we have a certain set of rules that define what should be praised and what should be looked down upon. Women take this seriously and traditionally, a person who breaks any of these rules has the punishment of getting the cold shoulder. In order to avoid that let’s remind ourselves of some of the top Girl Code Book rules.

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Don’t Date the Ex

One of the most important Girl Code Book rules is " Thou shall not date a friend’s boyfriend/ex." It is one of the biggest sins a girl can commit according to the Girl Code. Your friend might still have feelings for her ex and the last thing she wants is her best friend going after her leftovers. Think about it; there are so many fish in the sea and for some odd reason you choose your friend’s ex? However, one exception to this rule is when your friend is completely over her ex and gives you permission to date. But let’s be real, this situation should just be avoided at all costs.


Navigating this treacherous relationship terrain requires tact, honesty, and clear communication. If you find yourself contemplating a pursuit, talk to your friend first. This step not only shows respect but also helps gauge if moving forward might cause unnecessary rifts. Keep in mind, even with a so-called "green light," you're wading into potentially awkward social gatherings and mixed friendship feelings. Always ask yourself if this romantic possibility is worth the high stakes of your cherished friendships. Remember, the glue that binds the Girl Code is mutual respect and understanding for one another’s feelings and boundaries.


Honesty is the Best Policy

Friends trust other friends to be honest with them and spare them the embarrassment, which is why you should always be straightforward with them. Tell your friend if you see flaky patches on her skin, if her skirt is too short or if there is something between her teeth. Don’t let her walk around the whole day unaware of what is going on. It might be awkward at first but you should always have her back.


Any Pictures on Social Media That Are Not Mutually Liked Should Be Removed

If you happen to post a picture of you and your friends without their permission that they are not happy with, you should immediately remove it from social media. If you like how you came out on the picture, you can always crop them out but don’t force them to go through the embarrassment or discomfort. You wouldn’t want the same thing done to you.


Friends Must Defend the Reputation of a Friend No Matter What

As a friend you are obligated to defend your friend to others. If you hear other people accuse or judge your friend based on her mistakes, make it your mission to tell them otherwise. Even if they are saying the truth, don’t sit there letting them stain her reputation and take it upon yourself to stop the negative talk!


Thou Shall Not Fight over a Guy

There is no worse a reason to fight with a friend than a guy. If your friend has proven that she is trustworthy and loyal over the years, both of you should choose each other over him. Boyfriends come and go but true friends are truly hard to find. Unless of course your ‘close’ friend committed the sin of dating your boyfriend, then of course she should be evicted from Girlville.

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Don’t Ditch Your Friends for a Guy

No matter how in love you are with your boyfriend, don’t let him consume your life and don’t lose contact with your friends over your relationship. Couples need time apart and girls need some special girl time! Avoiding your friends and leaving your friendships behind might leave you all alone when your relationship is going through a rough patch.


Remember, friends often outlast relationships, and they provide a support system that's irreplaceable. Keeping your friendships strong provides you with a network of people who love you for you. It's crucial to balance your time between your significant other and your friends. Never cancel on friends consistently for a partner; it sends the message that they’re not a priority. Over time, this could strain or even sever your friendships. So, schedule regular catch-ups and cherish the memories you build with your friends – they’re the pillars you might need in times of emotional turmoil.


Dating a Brother Requires Permission

Under no circumstances should you date your friend’s brother in secret. It’s shady and plain rude to your friend. Getting permission from your friend will make you feel better about yourself and really show you if this relationship is even worth it! However be careful of dating the brother of your best friend because sometimes things can get messy, hearts may be broken and friends may be lost.

The Girl Code Book should be followed under all circumstances; the failure to do so will result in pain and drama. It is our duty as women to protect and support each other, especially when we are bound by a close friendship. What is one of your top Girl Code Rules you wish every woman knew about?

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#4 is not followed enough!

Number 5 = something sharkeisha has never red about

Around a year ago, I started to like my besite(now exbesties) brother! He is cute fluffy dark brown hair. And I told her “hey I think I’m starting to like ur bro what do I do? “ and she didn’t answer me then 3 weeks latter she suggest we take a break. Still to this day she doesn’t talk to mw and I have to go through the pain of when I look at her those moments going through my head. Long story short I never got told anything to get me to stop so I liked him for June- November and now in jan and feb this year I’m starting to like him again what do I do????

#4 is always forgotten. It's like women jump at any chance they have to bad mouth anyone. Even their "best friend"

is it ok to date your stepbrother

If only some bitches actually read this!

My "best friend" always has the same crushes as I do...and she always asks them out in front of me even though they always say no...but one day her ex asked me out and I said yes because me and him are best friends too..she immediately got all mad and texted me saying we aren't friend no more and I said I'm fine with it...the next day she started apologizing but I didn't believe her...finally I broke up with her ex and now she's starting to flirt with him again..I don't really care but what keeps bothering me is that am I a bad person for dating a "friends" ex'? :c

i agree terra

i am 12 and i have a friend at school i broke the girl code i cant get over it :(

Idk about #4... If your friend is doing the wrong thing you shouldn't back her up.

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