7 Things That Should Have Been Invented by Now ...


7 Things That Should Have Been Invented by Now ...
7 Things That Should Have Been Invented by Now ...

You would think that with advancements that we have already made today, we would already see simple things that should have been invented long ago. We have some of the most advanced gadgets and we have already explored different planets, yet the most rudimentary things in our everyday life still need improvement! Take a look at some of the most basic things that should have been invented by now.

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Tangle Free Headphones

Any way you put or fold your headphones in your pocket or bag, they will always come out tangled as if an expert on boating knots secretly sneaked into your bag and tied them up in the most complicated way possible. There is really no solution unless you psychically tie them yourself with a string every time you finished using them, but who has time for that? This problem is so ubiquitous that I am surprised that it’s still one of the things that should have been invented by now.


Air Conditioning on Subway Platforms

If you are from New York, you know how hot subway platforms can get, especially during the summer period. Sometimes it’s takes a while to wait for your train and it gets so hot that you feel like you are in a sauna. Although air conditioning may be a waste of energy, they should still install a couple of them and turn them on during the hottest days of the year.


Cure for Acne

I don’t suffer from a severe case of acne but I have always had bumps here and there, and ever since I got that first pimple I always prayed for a cure. That was years ago and there is still no such luck! Hopefully in a couple of years somebody comes up with a magical solution to the most hated skin condition.


Cellular Connection Everywhere

Just imagine how much easier it would be to meet up at a train station and not waste another fare just to come out and meet up with your friend, or when you are on a vacation with your family somewhere in the forest, you’ll feel safer knowing that you can always make a call. Just for practicality reasons widespread cellular connection should have been invented by now.


Gum That Never Loses Its Flavor

I am not sure if I am always buying the worst type of gum or it’s a problem with every gum product, but almost immediately after putting a brand new piece in my mouth it always loses its flavor. The longest it can hold its flavor is for couple of minutes and after that, it’s as if you are chewing on a piece of rubber. Anybody who succeeds at making long lasting gum will probably make a fortune.

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Nail Polish That Never Chips

The only way to make sure that your nail polish goes without chipping for days is to get your nails done at a salon, but that could get pricey, which is why someone should invent a nail polish brand that never chips. Hopefully this invention is in the near future and our nail suffering will soon be over.


A Folder Machine

There is a washer and a dryer, but I am still waiting for the day companies will have advertisements for a folding machine. How easy and less time consuming would laundry be if we had that invention right now? You never know, it might even make the whole process more enjoyable.

There is always room for improvement and new inventions. If you could have one thing invented what would it be? Let me know in the comments!

Feedback Junction

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In addition to the headphones, there is also a clothes folding machine called foldi-mate and an apparatus called flip fold. Next time, you should do more research before writing an article.

They don't sell tangle free headphones but they do sell a device that allows you to wrap your headphones around it so that they won't tangle . The headphones that come with the Iphone 5 are wrapped around this . Applecore is a type of one , you can google it

Wifi connection on the airplane...!!!

As a 47 yr old woman who's active, independent and IN A CAST since July when I broke both bones in my arm, a more comfortable breathable cast needs invented! Granted, I'm not in a plaster cast, however, it's still nasty inside when I sweat! The cotton ends up balling up & feeling like fiberglass against my skin!

Some of these are never going to happen (gum flavor that never loses its flavor, nail polish that doesn't chip) because no one would need to buy their products resulting in less $$$. They make it so that so you continually keep buying their product.

yet we have blankets with sleeves xD

I use wireless headphones. ;) so there are some alternatives.... BUT they just aren't advertised as much as they might have should have

Tangle free headphones have already been invented :D

There is a "cure" for acne. However, it's an expensive treatment and is recommended for those with severe cases but at the end of six months, i guess, your skin is acne free.

There are tangle free headphones......

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