10 Things All 20-Something Year Old Women Need to do before Turning 30 ...


10 Things All 20-Something Year Old Women Need to do before Turning 30 ...
10 Things All 20-Something Year Old Women Need to do before Turning 30 ...

Your 20's is all about trying new things, gaining experience in different areas, finding out who you are and where your place is in this world!

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Travel the World

beach, photograph, clothing, woman, person, Travelling allows us to gain perspective as we see new parts of the world and learn about a variety of cultures different from our own.

Take your time exploring new, exciting places and open your eyes to a world you didn't know existed until that very moment. Travelling is an incredible experience that gives us valuable and precious memories to hold onto for the rest of our lives.


Connect with Family

facial expression, face, person, nose, smile, Spend special, quality time with your family and fully develop every relationship you have within this aspect of your life. A healthy relationship with a family member is one which we think of in a positive way and feel as though we can speak freely and honestly from the heart, without fear of judgement and rejection.

It's up to us to fix broken or unhealthy relationships with our family in order to improve them and make them significantly better.


Try Something New

human action, clothing, person, jogging, muscle, Trying or doing something new can be scary and daunting because it's unfamiliar territory and secretly we're afraid of failure or not being good at it. But you should know that this kind of negative thinking will only hold you back in the long run.

In order to try something new and have that experience, you need to have the courage and bravery to step outside of your comfort zone.


Get to Know Yourself

hair, human hair color, blond, face, hairstyle, Get to know yourself on a personal level by simply spending time with yourself and self-reflecting on a regular basis. Ask yourself what you want in life and how you can start going after it.

Discover new hobbies and interests, your ambitions and plans for the future and always remember who you are.


Start Your Own Business

Start Your Own Business Starting your own business is a huge step for anyone, even more so if this is your first time making your mark in the big world. But it can be done with hard work, passion to make it come alive and drive for it to succeed.

This will show you a whole new side to responsibility that you can apply in other situations for the rest of your life.

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Make Friends for Life

hair, clothing, person, hairstyle, muscle, True friendships are beautiful because they're completely genuine, strong and alive. Make friends for life by finding like-minded people to bond and connect with, and allow this to continue to grow over time to strengthen it.

Keep these friendships alive and strong along the way by meeting them half away and putting in the effort to keep it healthy and thriving. Always making time for friends is the key to this.


Challenge Yourself

glasses, face, hair, vision care, eyewear, It's very hard to challenge ourselves while we're completely in our comfort zone, so it's healthy to step outside of it for a while in order to challenge yourself. If you don't do this, you will never truly achieve anything because there was never a challenge in the first place.


Build on Your Skills

clothing, human positions, jacket, footwear, sitting, There's no better time to build on your skill set than in your 20's! Sure, sometimes this may mean starting from the bottom of the ladder of a career and gradually working your way up, but you'll learn so many new skills as well as improve and strengthen on those that you already have!


Explore Your Passions

hair, person, woman, beauty, girl, This is a great thing to do before you commit yourself to a career path, as exploring your passions (as well as the career prospects around it) could result in a job you're destined and well suited for! Your 20's, after all, are all about discovering what you're passionate about as well as hobbies and anything that interests you!


Work on Yourself

human action, person, sports, running, jogging, Of course there's always room for improvement, and although it's great to be doing this throughout your life no matter what your age, your 20's is often a great place to start! Starting this while you're fairly young means you have longer to work on yourself and help shape who you will be for the rest of your life!

Setting yourself challenges on a regularly basis is an important part of personal growth, which is significantly harder to come by otherwise.

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