13 Problems That All Night Owls Have Experienced at Some Point ...


13 Problems That All Night Owls Have Experienced at Some Point ...
13 Problems That All Night Owls Have Experienced at Some Point ...

Night owls like me know the struggle is real! As someone who has danced with the shadows of the night since university days – ah, the nostalgia of those all-nighters – I can tell you firsthand about the hilarious misadventures we face. Whether it’s trawling through memes until 3 AM or getting your most productive work done when the streets are silent, being a night owl is both a superpower and a burden.

So, here we are in the year 2024, and the love-hate relationship with the nocturnal life persists. If you’re someone who embraces the night like a close friend, chances are, you’ve faced certain quirks and dilemmas that leave you wishing the world operated on your timetable. Let’s dive into some classic night owl problems - because, come on, we all need something to chuckle about while the rest of the world slumbers.

One of the classic issues night owls encounter is the notorious sleep schedule discrepancies. You know what I’m talking about – those awkward moments when you’re wide awake at 2 AM and everyone else is snuggled up in their cozy beds, dreaming about unicorns and rainbows. Check out more about these odd hours at Waking Up at Odd Hours.

When it comes to social plans, night owls often find it challenging to sync schedules with their early-bird friends. Imagine getting an invite to brunch at 9 AM – ha! It's like asking a chicken to lay eggs on demand. Sometimes our social life activities feel like casting during different time zones, and God help you if you're trying to keep a relationship in sync! How many late-night conversations happen in haste because one of you is fighting to keep their eyelids propped open?

Navigating the world of work and productivity is another circle to dance around. Night owls generally find their creativity surges post-midnight. It's when the magic happens (or rather, the madness). Unfortunately, traditional work schedules don't exactly accommodate this. Nothing beats trying to act super engaged in those 9 AM meetings while you discreetly sip that high-octane coffee and wonder why the earth keeps spinning in the wrong direction for us. Curious about how to manage your peak times? See Not Everyone Sleeps During the Same Hours.

And let’s not even talk about the health implications of being a night owl. From disrupted circadian rhythms to the constant battle against dark eye circles, our bodies certainly remind us that perhaps this isn’t the most recommended lifestyle. Ever heard of "revenge bedtime procrastination"? It's a genuine thing where you delay sleep to reclaim "me time." Tired yet? You can find more tips on navigating these waters at Dealing with Interrupted Sleep. Truly, being a night owl is an art form – one that comes with its own palette of hilarity and woes.

So, dear night owls, as we venture into this new year, let’s embrace the quirks and chaos. After all, who needs a proper sleep schedule anyway?

Snapshot Survey

Do you prefer texting or calling to communicate?

Seriously, Though...

Seriously, Though... Your bedtime isn't the culprit, but if you're not getting ENOUGH sleep, research has shown that you're at greater risk for loads of health problems. Dammit.



Shh! If everyone else in the house is sleeping, you've got to be silent as a ninja if you want to do basically anything.


Chip Bags

Chip Bags If you get the munchies, forget it. Chip bags and other wrappers are make so much noise, there's no way you can eat them without waking up everyone you know.


No One's Awake

No One's Awake During the day when you think of something funny (or you find a great Supernatural meme), you can just fire off a text and chat with your friends. In the middle of the night, your squad's asleep, so they can't reply.


Nothing's Open

Nothing's Open If you're awake, you might as well get some errands done, right? Nope. Everything's closed.


The House Makes Noises!

The House Makes Noises! Even if you haven't stayed up late watching Saw, if you're a night owl, you'll occasionally (read: every damn night) hear your house creak in a way you know signifies a serial killer creeping up to get you.


Work in the Morning

Work in the Morning If you're a night owl, but your work starts early in the morning, you know the joy of chugging a gallon of coffee before work, praying your concealer is doing its job of hiding the dark circles under your eyes while you sit at your desk wondering if you can nap with your eyes open.


Night Owl? or Something else?

Night Owl? or Something else? Are you really a night owl (cool) or an insomniac (possibly requires medical intervention)? When describing yourself to someone, be sure you choose the right word.


Time Stamps

Time Stamps Sure, you could message and email people, but thanks to timestamps, they'll all know you were up at 3:19 a.m., awake enough to be sending messages.


The Noise

The Noise You've finally fallen asleep... and then the rest of the house wakes up and starts making noise. Damn the real world!


The Couch to Bed Dilemma

The Couch to Bed Dilemma You know the drill: you're dozing off on the couch (finally!) so you grab your pillow and blanket and head off to bed... where you're now wide awake, staring at the ceiling.


Just Try to Explain

Just Try to Explain People will ask you why you're up so late and they'll want an answer. Usually, I can't think of one. Its frustrating.


The Internet is a Weird Place

The Internet is a Weird Place Why do night owls know where to find the weirdest internet rabbit holes? And whyyy do we go down them? We should know better.

What other night owl problems have made you suffer? Please share... reading the comments will give me something to do tonight!

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I have been working 3-11am lately and have had to completely change my habits. Finally got my night owl self to wake up at 8am everyday, now I'm lucky if I'm asleep at 8am lol.

I have this problem - it's awful and has only become worse with a baby that wakes up at 6am!!! No more late mornings and days filled with exhaustion and endless diaper changes. 😭

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