17 Feminist Comebacks when You're Faced with Sexist Comments ...


17 Feminist Comebacks when You're Faced with Sexist Comments ...
17 Feminist Comebacks when You're Faced with Sexist Comments ...

Don't you hate when a man tells you to get back in the kitchen, or makes some other ridiculous comment about your gender? It's frustrating to be treated like we're inferior, just because we're women. That's why you should use these comebacks the next time someone makes a sexist comment:

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You Aren’t Giving Me a Compliment. You’re Giving Me the Creeps

You Aren’t Giving Me a Compliment. You’re Giving Me the Creeps Men might think they're complimenting us by catcalling or commenting on our boobs, but it's just plain insulting.


This article discusses how women often receive unwanted and inappropriate comments from men, such as catcalling and commenting on their physical attributes. This type of behavior is not only insulting, but it can also make women feel uncomfortable and unsafe. The article provides 17 feminist comebacks to help women defend themselves against this type of sexism and reclaim their power. It also serves as a reminder that sexism is still a major issue in society today, and that women should not have to tolerate it. By standing up for themselves, women can help create a more equal and respectful world.


Try Being Informed Instead of Being Opinionated

Try Being Informed Instead of Being Opinionated Some people blurt out the first thing that enters their minds without realizing how foolish it makes them sound.


Informed opinion is more valuable than uninformed opinion. When faced with sexist comments, it is important to have facts to back up your argument. This might include statistics, current events, and other relevant information. Having a well-informed opinion can help you to effectively respond to sexist comments and to stand up for yourself and others. Additionally, being informed can help to dispel stereotypes and other false assumptions about gender roles and expectations. Being informed is a powerful tool to combat sexism and to promote equality.


Never Tell a Woman to Get Back in the Kitchen. That's Where the Knives Are

Never Tell a Woman to Get Back in the Kitchen. That's Where the Knives Are We know how to use them and we aren't afraid to use them, either.


That Joke Was Funny Five Decades Ago

That Joke Was Funny Five Decades Ago In the past, women weren't exactly considered equals, but now we are. Thankfully, times have changed.


The progress of gender equality has been a long and hard fought battle, and we are still making strides towards full equality. The past five decades have seen a huge shift in the way women are viewed and treated in society. Women are now seen as equals in the workplace, in education, and in many other areas of life.

In the past, women were often subjected to sexist comments and jokes, and these comments and jokes were often seen as acceptable. However, times have changed and these jokes are no longer seen as acceptable. Women are speaking out and standing up for their rights, and this is leading to a more equal society.

The progress of gender equality has been bolstered by the work of feminist activists and organizations, which have been pushing for change and advocating for women’s rights. These organizations have been working to raise awareness about gender inequality and to create a more equal society.

In addition, women have been taking advantage of the power of the internet and social media to spread awareness about gender equality. The #MeToo movement, which started in 2017, has been a powerful force for change, and it has helped to bring attention to the issue of sexual harassment and assault.


You Give Men a Bad Name

You Give Men a Bad Name It's no wonder why some of us hate men. A few bad apples can spoil the whole bunch.

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person, screenshot, speech, singer, Someone like him deserves to be locked away.


I Am Sorry That My Perfectly Reasonable Behavior Irritates You

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Men shouldn't be treating us like we're inferior, because we're all equals! What other feminist comebacks can you come up with?


Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Number ten is great for any guy that complains he can't get a girl because he's a 'nice guy'.

Pretty good, I'm not much to label myself a feminist just because of the extremist out there who give it a bad name. But I do agree with most feminist statements

I’m using this one😀

Ugh no.

For once I agree with nearly every one of these comebacks. Usually they strike me a offensive. But considering who we're talking too, these are pretty dead on.

Love 17 brilliant!

Ingenious indeed!

Love the article........

Really like the comments. I might use some.

Definitely using these. :D

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