7 Infuriating Ways That Women Experience Double Standards ...


Even in the 21st century, women are still subjected to double standards. If anything, it's worse in some ways than it used to be. The media, for example, analyses and criticises the looks and bodies of female celebrities in minute detail. Women are also often criticised for behaving in ways that are acceptable for men. Here are some infuriating ways that women experience double standards …

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Dating Younger Men

One of the most annoying ways in which women experience double standards is on the issue of dating a younger man. When men date a younger woman, nobody notices. It's not seen as worthy of comment. Look at the number of male celebrities who date younger women. But if a woman dates a younger man, she is the subject of jokes or critical remarks.



Yes, the sexual double standard still exists. A woman cannot behave the same way as a man. If he has several partners, that's okay - he may even be lauded for it. A woman who has a history is often seen as somehow lacking in morals and selling herself short. One-night stands are almost expected of men, while women doing the same are cheap.

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Drinking too much isn't smart for anyone. But again, it's almost expected of men that they will enjoy drinking. Men who don't are seen as unmasculine - but that's for another article. Women who go out and get drunk are copying men in one of the worst ways. It may be true, but excessive drinking should be wrong for everyone, not just for women.


Single Moms

When you read an article about a single dad, he is praised to high heaven. What a marvelous job he's doing, raising his children all by himself! Yet single mothers are often the target for criticism. They are accused of depriving their children of a father and costing the State millions. No mention of the fact that they are doing a difficult job the best they can.



You know, this happens to us all. But while men mature, women age. Grey hair on a man is distinguished, but a woman has to color her hair. The media constantly picks on female celebs for not looking like they did 20 or 30 years ago. And if they dare to refuse to go the Botox/fillers route, they're subjected to endless articles on how rough they look.

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Women are given the message that skinny is desirable, and pressured to lose weight. But if you do that, you're vilified for somehow promoting the idea that skinny is desirable. Nobody's telling guys to drop some pounds. It seems that women can't win. If they carry some pounds, they're unhealthy and unattractive. If they lose weight, they must have an eating disorder …



Guys can walk around with their shirts off in summer. But if women tried it they'd be arrested. Even if it were legal, they'd have guys hooting at them. So they'd end up covering up anyway. Why are breasts invested with such importance? Is it seeing women purely in sexual terms?

We shouldn't forget that men also experience double standards. Women can wear what we want - nobody thinks twice about a woman wearing trousers - but a man in a dress is a drag queen or an object of ridicule. Whoever they are aimed at, double standards are wrong. Everyone should be treated equally. Which example of double standards annoys you the most?

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Well you don't have to shave or wear bras haha I don't do either in the winter.

Preach it some of my guy friends make fun of me for being a feminist and then wonder why I am one

I refuse to shave my legs for now (I'm 14) because I don't want conform to that sexist view it doesn't make u really look better presented and the hairs are there to keep us warm. Also men and women have double standards in how we have to be presented- always looking good but it's fine for men to look scruffy. Another VERY irritating double standard is rudeness- it is more okay for men to do things that women can't and if we do people say it's gross!!!

But who feeds these double standards?????

The shirts. I've been bothered by the inequality of shirt requirement since I was a little girl. And shaving of legs... And wearing bras...

I don't get why people think it's bad to wear bras, or shave, or wear makeup. I don't do any of that for men. I do it for myself, because I want to feel beautiful.

I agree with every single one of them. They are so true

Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did but backwards but did she get the top billing ? No way,! it was always Fred.

Everywhere you go you have double standards and to be honest they are just very annoying. Everyone is equal they are all humans so they should be all treated the same way

The "cougar" label irritates me to no end.

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