7 Awesome Ways to Answer Nosy Questions like a Pro ...


7 Awesome Ways to Answer Nosy Questions like a Pro ...
7 Awesome Ways to Answer Nosy Questions like a Pro ...

If you have been searching for ways to answer nosy questions all of your life, let me help you. You can’t go too long of a time period without being bombarded with nosy questions from nosy people. It puts you on the spot and makes you feel awkward. Many times you feel forced into answering a question you really didn’t want to give the answer to. That doesn’t have to happen any longer because you will know the best ways to answer nosy questions

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Turn It around

One of the best ways to answer nosy questions is to turn it back on them. For example, if someone asks you when you are going to have a baby, reply that you were just wondering the same thing about them. Chances are that they will be so shocked they will either forget all about their question to you, or they will realize their faux pas and be utterly embarrassed which serves them right. Either way you get out of answering the nosy question and come out looking rather ingenious. They aren’t likely to ask you a nosy question again.


Nosy questions can be annoying and intrusive, but with the right response, you can handle them like a pro. One of the best ways to answer nosy questions is to turn the question back on the person asking. This is a great way to avoid answering the question while also making the person asking it realize they’ve crossed a line.

When you turn the question back on the person asking, it’s important to do so in a polite and respectful manner. This will help you avoid any further awkwardness and ensure you still come off as the bigger person.

It’s also important to remember that not all nosy questions are bad. Sometimes people are just curious and don’t realize they’re crossing a line. If the question isn’t too intrusive, you can simply answer it in a polite manner.

In addition to turning the question back on the person asking, there are other ways to answer nosy questions like a pro. You can try to change the subject, laugh it off, or simply answer with a polite “no.”


Comment on the Question Rather than Answering

If someone asks you a nosy question, you are in no way required to answer it. Why not make the comment, “Isn’t that an interesting question?” Or comment that they must have a lot of time on their hands to think up such intriguing question. They could come back at you with the question again but this should put off most that ask those nosy questions. If it doesn’t, you can try another one of these tactics.


Answering nosy questions can be a tricky situation. It is important to remember that you are not obligated to answer any question that you are not comfortable with. One way to handle nosy questions is to comment on the question rather than answering it. For example, you could say, “That’s an interesting question.” Or, you could comment that the person asking the question must have a lot of time on their hands. This can help to put off people who are asking nosy questions.

In addition to commenting on the question, there are other ways to handle nosy questions. You can use humor to deflect the question, or you can change the subject. You can also use a polite refusal to answer the question, such as saying, “I’d rather not answer that.” You can also use a more direct approach and tell the person that you don’t feel comfortable answering their question.

It can be difficult to know how to respond to nosy questions. It is important to remember that you don’t have to answer any question that you are not comfortable with. If you are asked a nosy question, you can use one of the tactics discussed above to handle it.


Pass the Buck

One easy way to get out of answering a nosy question is to pass the buck. This means to refer the question on to someone in a better position to answer it or someone who you can blame for holding the answer to the question. For example, if you are asked when you will be getting a raise, you can answer by saying that is up to your boss. If someone asks when your boyfriend is going to pop the question, tell them that would be his decision. What can they really say at that point?


Passing the buck is one of the oldest tricks in the book when it comes to handling nosy questions. It's a great way to deflect the question and put the responsibility onto someone else.

The practice of passing the buck dates back to the American Civil War, when it was used to describe the act of transferring responsibility to someone else. It's a strategy that has been used ever since, and it's still popular today.

When it comes to handling nosy questions, passing the buck can be a great way to avoid giving a direct answer. It's a way to deflect the question and put the responsibility onto someone else. It can also be used to avoid uncomfortable conversations.

For example, if you are asked when you will be getting a raise, you can answer by saying that is up to your boss. If someone asks when your boyfriend is going to pop the question, tell them that would be his decision. This way, you don't have to answer the question and you don't have to get into an uncomfortable conversation.


Pretend You Don’t Understand the Question

Feigning ignorance may be a trace dishonest but it will get you out of answering a nosy question. If someone asks you a nosy question that you don’t want to answer, just pretend that you don’t understand it. Act puzzled. Chances are, the person asking the question will be so amazed you don’t get the meaning of the question that they may give up getting an answer from you. Of course, they may talk about you not being intelligent to others but if it keeps them from being nosy about your life then it just may be worth it.


If you're tired of being asked nosy questions, you may want to consider pretending you don't understand the question. This can be a bit tricky as it requires some acting skills and you have to be careful not to overdo it. However, if done properly, it can be a great way to get out of answering a nosy question.

When someone asks you a nosy question, act puzzled and pretend you don't understand the question. This may surprise the questioner so much that they may give up getting an answer from you. Of course, this may lead to them talking about you not being intelligent but if it keeps them from being nosy about your life then it just may be worth it.

Feigning ignorance is just one of the many ways to answer nosy questions. Other strategies include changing the subject, asking a question in return, and simply saying no. It's important to remember that you don't owe anyone an explanation about your life and you have the right to keep your private life private.


Join Them in the Question

Another way to tackle a nosy question is to join them in the question. When you have a nosy question thrown at you, look surprised and say that you have been wondering the exact same thing. This gets you off of the hook from answering and will probably embarrass them. That isn’t totally a bad thing. Perhaps it will break them from asking more nosy questions in the future.


Nosy questions can be uncomfortable and difficult to answer. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or co-worker, it can be hard to know how to respond to a nosy question. One way to tackle a nosy question is to join them in the question. When faced with a nosy question, show surprise and say that you have been wondering the exact same thing. This can be a good way to avoid answering and might embarrass the person asking the question.

This tactic can be effective in preventing further nosy questions in the future. It can also be used to redirect the conversation to a more comfortable topic. For example, if someone asks you a nosy question about your dating life, you could respond by asking them about their dating life. This can be a good way to show that you won’t be answering questions that are too personal.

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Take the Honest Approach

There may be times when you want to take the honest approach and give them the answer to their nosy question. That is absolutely fine if you want to do that. It is also absolutely fine to answer their question by telling them that you find their question rather personal. You could also say that you find their question too nosy to dignify with an answer. If it is someone who rarely asks a question like that, I would not take that route. However, if it is someone that has asked you nosy questions many, many times, you certainly have the right to honestly tell them their questions cross the line.


No matter how much someone pesters you with nosy questions, it's important to remember that you have the right to keep your personal information private. Taking the honest approach is one way to address nosy questions. It involves answering their questions truthfully, or politely telling them that the question is too personal to answer.

However, if the person who is asking the nosy questions has done so multiple times, you can take a firmer stance. You can tell them that their questions are crossing the line and that you won't dignify them with an answer. This is a great way to set boundaries and let them know that you won't tolerate their nosiness.

It's also important to remember that you don't have to answer nosy questions at all. You can change the subject or simply ignore the question. If you don't want to answer, you don't have to.


Just Don’t

Just because you are asked a nosy question does not mean that you owe any kind of answer. While the above tactics can be very helpful, there is also nothing wrong with just stating that you are not going to answer the question. This direct approach can work wonders and stop any future nosy questions from being directed toward you. You could even be doing others a favor by handling it this way. You may well break the person who asks the nosy questions from asking anyone else those sorts of questions again.

There are many ways to handle a nosy question but you have to handle them the way that feels right to you. What ways have you found to be best to handle a question that is far too nosy? What has worked for you?


When it comes to nosy questions, it’s important to remember that you don’t owe anyone an answer. It’s your right to remain silent and not respond to nosy questions. This can be especially helpful if you feel uncomfortable or if the question is inappropriate.

In order to help you navigate nosy questions, it’s important to remember to stay calm. Remaining calm and composed can help you find the right words to respond to the nosy question. Avoid getting angry or defensive, as this can make the situation worse.

It can also be helpful to reframe the question. This can help you respond in a way that is respectful, yet still allows you to remain in control of the conversation. For example, if you are asked a personal question, you can respond by saying “That’s a great question, but I’d rather not answer it.”

If you’re feeling uncomfortable or overwhelmed, it’s also okay to excuse yourself from the conversation. This can be a good way to end a nosy conversation without having to answer the question.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Thank u! This was a very helpful article

I sooo needed this. Thank you! I have a couple of people in my life who are shocking. It\'s not \"when are you going to have a baby?\" It\'s \"are you trying to get pregnant.\" I mean, seriously, this one person in particular isn\'t a friend, I don\'t like her, certainly don\'t trust her, have no choice but to be civil to her, yet she thinks she can ask stuff like that?! This will help heaps. :-)

True story

An answer of \"why would you ask that?\" Or \"why do you want to know?\" Will usually stop most nosy questioners :D

This is a great site and you could answer a nosey question for me. Moving from one small town to another and will be joining social groups to meet new people. Probably women. I'm not fussed on women and prefer mens' company but you cannot be friends with a man (benefits). I find women in these towns just want to gossip and I've yet to be invited over for a cuppa. In new town I want to avoid answering nosey questions. Nothing to hide but I'm not nosey. I don't ask those sorts of questions and generally stick to topics. How do I avoid personal nosey questions. I wouldn't avoid them with a friend but not someone I've known for 5 minutes. Please feel to email answers as I probably won't find this page again. Thanks.

Or completely ignore them

Great advice, thank you !

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