7 Absolutely Brilliant Uses for Post-It Notes ...


7 Absolutely Brilliant Uses for Post-It Notes ...
7 Absolutely Brilliant Uses for Post-It Notes ...

My dorm room is currently coated in colorful notes because the way I look at it, there are many uses for Post-It Notes. When I was little, I never really appreciated them, collecting stack after stack of unused notes. Now, I can’t seem to get enough of them. I keep them in my bags, on my desk, and in my drawers so wherever I am, I can take advantage of the myriad of uses for Post-It Notes.

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Bookmarks The die-hard reader in me would love to read each book straight through, but my with busy schedule and chaotic lifestyle that’s nearly impossible. One of the many uses for Post-It Notes includes acting as a bookmark. The adhesive attaches to the page you are on, making it easy to remember which side of the book it was when you open it up. Also, they do not fall out as easily as some of the store-bought bookmarks. It may not have a picture of a cat or the outline of Hogwarts but keep in mind which works best.

2. Coasters

Coasters Here in my dorm room, I don’t have the luxury of whipping out coasters when guests come over. Instead, I use Post-It Notes! They help keep rings off the furniture while maintaining an easy cleanup. As silly as it may seem, they are good for hot dishes on desks whereas napkins might get stuck to the wood. If you find yourself out of coasters, then no need to panic... Post-It Notes are here to save the day!

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3. Notes

Notes Post-It Notes are most famously used for writing notes. I place notes around my room to remind me of the tasks I need to complete for the day or of things I need to gather. If I am worried that I will leave an important item behind, I can easily put a Post-It Note on my steering wheel. Having written cues like these around the room and in places you are bound to see them helps with memory. So no need to forget that library book anymore!

4. Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts On my dorm room door, there is a drawling of Simba to announce to anybody in the hallway that my roommate and I like Disney. To show our festive spirit, we decorated him for each passing holiday. He was Superman for Halloween, an Indian for Thanksgiving, and now Santa Claus for Christmas. Making his costume was simple because we used colored Post-It Notes, which were conveniently the appropriate size, to make his costumes. Inventive ways like this help cut down on paper waste while using the multi-faceted Post-It Note.

5. Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Do you want to make someone smile? Surprise them with a positive affirmation on a Post-It Note! Whether it’s "You brighten my day" or "You are such a thoughtful person," it is sure to bring joy not only to you but also to your recipient. In high school, my friends and I posted Post-It Note affirmations on the lockers and now in college, I thank my roommate by writing and hiding Post-It Notes for her to find. It’s a unique way to express gratitude that will definitely make your co-worker, or a stranger, smile.

6. Moving Boxes

Moving Boxes When you are moving, it’s easy to get lost in the swamp of boxes, wondering if your silverware was in this box or that one. To make the transition easier, consider placing Post-It Notes on the side of each box listing its contents and securing it with a layer of tape. This method trumps writing on the box because it allows the boxes to be used for future needs; plus it’s more attractive. Another value of Post-It Notes is that you can color code them to help making the placement of the boxes easier. If you label each box with kitchen-ware with blue Post-It Notes and the living room trinkets with green ones, you will be able to sort your boxes into their proper homes more efficiently.

7. Gift

Gift For Christmas last year, my friend gave me a large stack of multi-colored Post-It Notes. Everyone uses Post-It Notes for school, work, or at home so this gift is actually ingenious. Whether or not you use them for arts and crafts, they are still effective for quick notes and reminders. One way or another they will get used. Plus, with these absolutely brilliant uses for Post-It Notes, you might just be asking Santa for a stack yourself!

Today’s uses for Post-It Notes far exceeds the original blueprints, but with these helpful tips, you’ll be more organized, artsy, and kind when it comes to using them. How do you use Post-It Notes? Do you have a favorite color you prefer to use?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Post its are great! Just be sure to use a few when using them as a coaster, when I used just one I ended up with a yellow water ring on my desk

Really # 3? Haha i think thats what they were ment for.

For shifting its great to use love the idea will use it as I am gonna shift soon

I use them everyday all day at work & home ... ...! I love the pastel color ones .. My favs .. :)

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A totally useless article!

I use post its for everything. Life is so easier

At my school, the seniors did a prank where they completely covered a teacher's room with sticky notes!

❤️thanks I think I will use sticky notes on my boyfriends car for his birthday totally great idea

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