17 Words That Don't Exist but Should ...

Holly Jan 29, 2022

17 Words That Don't Exist  but Should ...
17 Words That Don't Exist  but Should ...

New slang is always being invented. Of course, we still don't have words for some pretty important things. Here are a few words that don't exist, but should:

Quiz: Discover Your Imaginative Language


Which word would you use to describe a feeling of both excitement and nervousness?

1. Askhole

Askhole Whoever said that "there are no stupid questions" was lying. There are plenty of dumb things that people can, and will, ask.

2. Bedgasm

Bedgasm The only thing better than sex is sleep. After all, it feels amazing to slip under the sheets and close your eyes after a long, hard day.

3. Textpectation

Textpectation This is one of the worst feelings in the world. It happens after you text your crush, and are praying that he'll actually text you back.

4. Masturdating

Masturdating There's nothing wrong with going out on the town without a date. More people should feel comfortable eating alone, taking a walk alone, and going to the movie theater alone.

5. Netflixing

Netflixing You've heard of binge watching. Of course, that doesn't accurately describe how much television you can watch in one sitting. That's why we need this word.

6. Memoreek

Memoreek You have plenty of memories, but you have just as many memoreeks. They're memories that make you go "eek."

7. Checkward

Checkward Don't you hate when you're out with friends and you're not sure how much you're supposed to pay? Well, now there's a word that describes the sensation that you feel.

8. Facewished

Facewished Some of us have no clue when our friends' birthdays are. We just wait for Facebook to tell us. Then we'll wish them a happy birthday on the site instead of taking the time out to call them.

9. Dreeping

Dreeping If you've ever tried to sleep after drinking, you know this feeling pretty well. It's never any fun. It'll make you want to stop drinking entirely.

10. Cellfish

Cellfish Don't you hate when someone is yapping on their phone when you're in a quiet place, like a library or the movie theater? It's incredibly disrespectful, which is why we need this word.

11. Hiberdating

Hiberdating We all have a friend that has disappeared after getting a boyfriend. it's not the right thing to do, but it is pretty common.

12. Youniverse

Youniverse Some people believe that the universe revolves around them. They don't care about anybody else, because they're as selfish as can be.

13. Nonversation

Nonversation Talking about the weather is never exciting. In fact, it's not really a conversation at all. It's more like a nonversation.

14. Juicish

Juicish This one is a little silly. However, you all know someone who acts this way, don't you?

15. Vedgie

Vedgie Every woman knows what this feels like. When you wear the wrong underwear, it can be incredibly uncomfortable.

16. Vommunition

Vommunition You always want to eat before drinking. That way, you won't feel as sick later. Of course, you always risk throwing it all up later, as well.

17. Bolitics

Bolitics Some of us aren't all that informed about politics. When the conversation comes up, we make up facts as we go along.

There are new words popping up every single day. The English language is constantly growing. If you could create a new word, what would it be?

Sources: BuzzFeed, BoredPanda, and Huffington Post.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hehe textspectation oh yes!!

#1 uninvite should be a word: i'd like to uninvite you.... Also for the same reasoning: unenjoy..... oh, how about WRITTENLY to go with orally?

These made up words seem to have been forced to come up with an article...

Taylor, yep.

These are stupid.

Now I have something better to say instead of pussy wedgie *awkward laugh*

Noooooooooooooooooooooo oh dear god no

These are funny. As for #7, I never understood splitting the bill, unless you both ordered the same exact thing! I'm sorry but if you order a cocktail and a steak, and order a water and a salad, I shouldn't be paying what you pay.

Bookgasm=euphoria felt when reading a particular book especially romance

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