7 Wonderful Things to Look Forward to in Fall ...


7 Wonderful Things to Look Forward to in Fall ...
7 Wonderful Things to Look Forward to in Fall ...

Where I live, August hasn't been its usual hot and sticky self, but rather the days have been cool and comfortable, which is making me think of all of the things to look forward to in fall. I am a huge lover of the summer and I don't want it to get away from us too quickly (though it already is), but with these cool temps, I am starting to get a little bit of a craving for the fall. Given that, I can't help but think of all of the wonderful things to look forward to in fall.

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Halloween One of the biggest things to look forward to in fall, as far as I'm concerned, is Halloween. Yes, I am a grown woman, but Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday. What's more fun than dressing up, acting silly and eating candy? No stress, no worries, just pure fun! I love it!


Changing Leaves

Changing Leaves Another thing that I look forward to in the fall is the changing color of the leaves. Those bright oranges, reds, yellows and purples are like rainbows dancing on the trees. When the sun hit them just right, it's simply amazing. Now, if only they could grow back immediately after they fall off...


Harvest Festivals

Harvest Festivals My family and I are really big into festivals. They offer fun for all ages, they are filled with fun activities and there is always great food. In the fall, there is a harvest festival nearly every weekend where I live. Come on; a wagon ride, lively music and fresh apple cider - I'm in!


Crisp Days

Crisp Days While yes, I absolutely love the warm days of the summer and being able to go out with no shoes on or just a pair of flips flops, I do also enjoy the crispness in the air during the fall. It has a different smell to it, I think, and it is welcomed after super hot summer days.


Pumpkin Picking

Pumpkin Picking As I said before, Halloween is my all-time favorite holiday. So, it's only fitting that picking pumpkins is something else I love to do. There's just something so exciting about looking through a field of pumpkins until you find that perfect one. I think I actually like pumpkin picking better than my little guy does.

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Decorating With the fall season comes so many reasons to decorate, and I love to decorate. I start in September with harvest decorations, which include bowls full of apples, hay bails and gourds. On October 1, I pull out all of my Halloween decor and turn my house into a friendly haunted abode complete with ghosts, spider webs, potion bottles, bloody gauze and black roses. For Thanksgiving, I make our home even cozier with orange lights wrapped around garlands of fall leaves, carved wood pumpkins and orange and brown linens.


Fresh Produce

Fresh Produce I am a huge lover of fresh produce, and with the fall comes the harvest season. Fresh squash, cauliflower, broccoli, apples right from the tree, orchard-made cider - I only have one word for all of this: YUM! My dinners are always brimming with fresh produce in the fall, and I just love it!

So there, I admit it; I do love the fall and I am looking forward to it. But, summer, that doesn't mean that you need to go anywhere too soon! What are some of your favorite things to do in the fall?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

These are all of my favorite things, I couldn't agree more!


Finally an article about Fall!

Pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks!! YUM!!

Just lovely :) cant wait for fall! Might I add candles too !

Also do not forget the fashion!!! Chunky sweaters, booties, opaque tights, bomber jackets, and this years trend PLAID!

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