7 Awesome Ways That Being a Taurus Benefits Your Friendships ...


7 Awesome Ways That Being a Taurus Benefits Your Friendships ...
7 Awesome Ways That Being a Taurus Benefits Your Friendships ...

The sign of Taurus has its own flair with traits that are set apart from other zodiac signs. While some signs share several close similarities with other signs, that’s not the case for the Taurus. A few similarities can be found in common with other zodiac signs but for the most part, you’re one of a kind, Taurus! Let’s talk about what makes you such an individual.

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Your Friends Can Count on You

A Taurus would never intentionally let a friend down. You’re the type that can be counted on, no matter the difficulty of circumstances. You’ll show up when you’re needed and many times you don’t even have to be asked. Dependability is your middle name. This makes you a friend that’ll always be appreciated.


You’d Never Ask for a Loan

People born under the Taurus sign have a strong personality when it comes to money. You’re frugal and have a strong drive to succeed financially. You’re also fiercely independent when it comes to money so you’d never ask a friend for a loan unless it was your very last option. It can never be said that you’re a moocher! This is a good quality to have in a friend.

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You’ve Got a Warm Personality

Your personality can best be described as warm. You’re friendly and kind to all those you encounter in any situation and you make friends easily. Your heart is warm and caring toward others, even beyond that of other zodiac signs. This is one of the things that makes you special.


You’re Open and Honest

You’re rarely reserved, Taurus. Friends don’t have to work to draw you out of your shell. You’re an open book and honest to boot. Friends can ask you anything and get an answer. You have to be a bit careful not to be brutal with your honesty but you’d never lie to a friend.


You Point out Risks You See in Your Friends' Lives

Taurus individuals are of a cautious nature. You’re steady and don’t want to teeter out there where risk lies in life. You also don’t want to see your friends do that and get themselves into some sort of scrape because of their lack of caution. You’re the perfect person to point out risks to your friends and warn them to be careful. In fact, telling your friends to be careful is something you often do.

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You Cherish Your Time with Friends

You love time with your friends, Taurus. You’re not a once in a while kind of friend; you’re a forever friend. When you make a friend, it’s for life. You also love any time you can get together. Hanging out every weekend is right up your alley.


You’re a Great Storyteller

I love to hear a Taurus tell a story! You can tell a story unlike anyone else. This is a trait that your friends undoubtedly love about you. You make even the smallest adventures fun and come away from them with hilarious and interesting stories. It’s great to have a friend with this quality; it makes for lots of entertaining times together.

These are some of the traits that are beneficial to being friends with you, Taurus. Do any of these ring true in your friendships? I’d love to hear your answers!

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Damn Right♉️

100% me!

Taurus pride !! love myself !

You are absolutely right

Yay! Feeling really great about myself now!

That's exactly the type of person I am! Thank You for making me feel special ❤️

Me to a T 😊

I hate to sound brutal to other people but sometimes it slips up! I hate it when that happens because I don't notice it.

That is spot on :)

Finally!.....these are totally me

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