17 Gifs That Perfectly Describe a Capricorn ...


17 Gifs That Perfectly Describe a Capricorn ...
17 Gifs That Perfectly Describe a Capricorn ...

Oh you adorable Capricorns, how I love you. You are the responsible ones, you are the serious ones, you are the ones that give the best advice .. because you love to control everyone in the world. Sound familiar? You'll love the post below!

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Extremely Responsible

You're the one that will make sure there is a DD before going out to drink.


You're Considered the Most Serious Sign out There!

You're Considered the Most Serious Sign out There! That doesn't mean you can't have fun though!


You're a Master of Self Control

You're a Master of Self Control Which is a trait a lot of other signs wishs they had!


You Can Be Really Stubborn Too

You Can Be Really Stubborn Too You know you can be.


You Are Really Difficult to Win over

You Are Really Difficult to Win over But many people will try to win you over.

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You're so, so Intelligent and You Know It

You're so, so Intelligent and You Know It Yes, you are clever too.


You Set the Highest Standards for Yourself

You Set the Highest Standards for Yourself And yet, you still achieve them!


You Are beyond Loyal

You Are beyond Loyal You will stick to one person if they stick to you.


You like to do Things Slowly in Relationships

You like to do Things Slowly in Relationships Speeding up makes you nervous.


Capricorns are known for their methodical and cautious approach in life, and this extends into how they handle matters of the heart. For them, patience is a virtue, particularly when it comes to developing a strong and stable relationship. They don't rush into emotional entanglements; instead, they prefer to savor each stage, building trust and understanding one step at a time. In love, Capricorns seek a foundation that's as rock-solid as their own principles, ensuring that when they fully commit, it's with the certainty that it's a bond built to last.


You Don't like to Work in Teams All That Often

You Don't like to Work in Teams All That Often You just don't.


You're a Great Leader – That's Probably Why You Don't like Teams

You're a Great Leader – That's Probably Why You Don't like Teams Your managing skills are phenomenal!


Sometimes, You Have a Hard Time Accepting Others Differences

Sometimes, You Have a Hard Time Accepting Others Differences You do get over it eventually.


As a Capricorn, you often set high standards for yourself and by default, expect the same from others. Your meticulous nature means you might struggle to embrace quirks that deviate from your own values or methods. But deep down, you know that diversity is the spice of life, and while it might take you a moment to adjust, you appreciate the unique perspectives and strengths that each person brings to the table. It's just a matter of time before your practical side sees the benefit of varying viewpoints and approaches in a colorful world.


There is a Constant Need to Control People

Again, you need to get over it.


You Can Be Unimaginative at Times

You Can Be Unimaginative at Times You just aren't creative … face it.


Sometimes, your mind just goes blank when you're asked to brainstorm or come up with an original idea. It's not that you can't be creative; it's just that your practical side tends to override your fanciful impulses most of the time. You're more comfortable with data, facts, and figures than abstract concepts and theoretical musings. You prefer leaving those artistic endeavors to the Pisces folk. But remember, every mountain goat needs a little whimsy! Don't underestimate the power of letting your imagination leap – even if it’s just every once in a blue moon.


It Isn't Always All about You …

It Isn't Always All about You … But you think it is sometimes.


Capricorns can be notorious for their laser-sharp focus on their goals and achievements, leading to a bit of a blind spot when it comes to communal dynamics. It's vital to remember, though, that sometimes the spotlight inevitably shifts to others. It's those moments when showing genuine happiness for someone else's victories can truly elevate a Capricorn's already admirable character. So, take a step back, breathe, and celebrate the achievements of others—it doesn't diminish your own. It's a beautiful balance of self-awareness and empathy that really showcases the depth of a Capricorn's heart.


You Are so Detail-oriented …

You Are so Detail-oriented … You don't trust others to really finish anything.


… It Can Be Your Downfall Sometimes

… It Can Be Your Downfall Sometimes

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This pretty much sums up my fiancé

Accurate ✊🏽

I know some capricons they are awesome

This is me , lol wow!

This thing is scary. All of these describe me

Number 10, I don't like to bc I'll be the most bossy bitch ever and people would be like •__•

It's true but we are just as talented as anyone else 😏

My hubbys a Capri he's the best

I'm a Capricorn, as well as an artist ha ! I can be controlling. I believe that I'm so detail oriented that no one can do it better than me the first time.

This so true :)) specially self control and morbid attention to details.

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