11 Truths to "Practice Makes Perfect" ...

Danielle Apr 16, 2013

11 Truths to "Practice Makes Perfect" ...
11 Truths to "Practice Makes Perfect" ...

«Practice makes perfect» is a sentiment that many of us remember from our childhood days with the piano teacher, dance instructor, parents or coaches. Even when really young, those of us that practiced and improved were able to achieve our academic, creative and competitive goals. Now that we are all grown up though and life gets busy, it’s hard to remember the importance of practice. Here’s 11 truths behind practicing to get you motivated.

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1. Yes, There’s Time

«I have no time» is the biggest lie we tell ourselves when giving reasons for not practicing something. If you find yourself to be in this particularly busy boat, try something out that you find more fun as motivation to allow yourself time or, you can pick a goal that is intertwined with something you’re doing at work or school. 15 minutes a day will do wonders for improvement in any environment.

2. It’s Good Fun!

Practice gives us an awesome opportunity to have some fun and get ahead. If you want to get better at something it’s probably because you enjoy it or it seems like something that you could really see yourself doing. You have the power to decide what you’ll practice each day. It could be something that is productive to your career, creative or personal goals. Think ahead and decide what you need to do as well as what you look forward to doing.

3. You’ll Become Efficient

With practice, you’ll see yourself get more efficient at getting things done. You’ll have all the supplies you actually need, some experience and a bit of a routine. This efficiency is when the magic really starts happening as it makes focusing on your priority of practice a whole lot easier. Look forward to this truth and work hard to get yourself here!

4. Hello Working Portfolio!

Whether it’s a newly updated resume or a few completed projects, you’re now getting prepared and ready for when opportunity comes knocking on your door. Set yourself ahead of the competition by putting your goals into practice now and keeping your progress organized along the way.

5. You’re Being Proactive

Everyone has intentions to be successful in the future but it’s the ones who work towards their goals that actually make it to their vision. By being proactive towards your goals, you’re already being successful.

6. Au Natural!

We already know that with practice you’ll get more efficient but guess what? You’ll notice your work get easier too! Goodbye to the burden of feeling like work is so much «work», your natural abilities and talents are growing. You were made for this!

7. Get out There

You’ve been working hard at practicing and now you’re noticing your portfolio start to expand. Start showing your practice off! Ask your boss to put your newly acquired skills to use professionally, ask a local art gallery if they’ll hang your canvas or put on your party dress and get out there networking. Have fun doing all this!

8. You’ll Become More Aware

If you haven’t started practicing yet, chances are you have no idea what you’re missing out on! When you’ve got a better idea of your talents and abilities as well as the talents and abilities of others, the sky is now the ceiling. Competitive or not, it takes practice to broaden your horizons and realize the potential possibilities that come with your skill.

9. Practice Keeps You Relevant

Now that you’re aware and have gained clarity about the skills and attributes that surround your goals, eventually you’ll want to expand yours. Do you need to sharpen up your tool set with further education? Take a step back to refine technique? All of this counts as practice- go baby, go!

10. Really Focus on Improvement

The test of practice is improvement. Have you gotten any better? Success can be found with even one days worth of practice but the test of time will make sure that answer will always be a «yes!» Gone are the days of wishing you were better at something, nowadays you just are!

11. It Keeps You on Track

You’ve improved, good on you! With improvement, expansion, awareness and sharing-you’re probably in a good place to be getting noticed. You’re working portfolio has become a professional portfolio, you’re experienced now and you’ve shown yourself capable of achieving targets. Talk about keeping on track of your goals!

Just like when we were kids, practice comes with play but also too for skill. If it’s something you really love and you’re good at it, there’s no reason why your practice can’t become professional. Pursue what it is you want to do and pursue it well. By keeping in mind these eleven truths of practicing, you’re sure to see results. So how about it ladies, what are some areas in your life that could use a little practice?

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