Remarkable Benefits of Sleeping Naked That Will Make You Ditch Your PJs ...

A.J. Aug 21, 2024

Remarkable Benefits of Sleeping Naked That Will Make You Ditch Your PJs ...
Remarkable Benefits of Sleeping Naked That Will Make You Ditch Your PJs ...

I started sleeping naked years ago, simply because I felt more comfortable this way. Turns out it was a great idea! And it's not just because I don't have to bother with the immense effort of putting on pajamas before going to bed and taking them off to get ready for work the next morning (yes, I'm more than a bit lazy, I admit it). It seems there's much more to sleeping in the nude than meets the eye (though the eye does meet a lot of you when you're naked).

1. It Improves Your Sex Life

If you're sleeping with your partner, the skin to skin contact can increase the release of oxytocin - the love hormone. Oxytocin plays a huge role in sexual responsiveness and achieving orgasm, and it also helps reduce stress and even combat depression. Plus, many men are highly sensitive to visual stimuli, so when your SO sees you naked in bed, even if you're not touching, he'll already get into a more, let's say, joyful mood.

2. It Helps You Get Better Sleep

A study published by the American Academy of Sleep Science states that your body temperature naturally lowers when you sleep deeply. Sleeping in your PJs can hinder this natural decline in temperature, thus disrupting your sleep cycle and even potentially causing insomnia.

3. It Helps You Prevent Belly Fat

We've established that going to bed naked helps you rest better, which, in turn, helps keep your cortisol levels under control. At night, when you sleep, your production of stress hormone considerably decreases, only to rise again in the morning, to get you energized and ready to get up and start the day. If you don't get enough rest at night, you will wake up with unnaturally high cortisol levels, which will trigger your appetite for comfort food and make you overeat. Thus, if you wish to prevent belly fat, you may want to start sleeping naked!

4. It Prevents Skin Disease

Sleeping naked airs out the skin all over your body, allowing it to breathe. This can prevent rashes and skin diseases, which often develop due to moist, restricted skin.

5. It Improves Circulation

Without that T-shirt getting all twisted when you sleep and that annoying elastic band strangling your waist, your blood will be able to flow more freely through your body. The improved circulation will benefit your heart, arteries, and muscles, as the oxygen-rich blood will be able to stroll freely to your extremities.

6. It Prevents Type 2 Diabetes

A 2014 study published by NCBI found that feeling colder during sleep can improve your metabolism, decrease blood sugar levels and prevent type 2 diabetes. The authors discovered that, when the subjects slept almost entirely naked, their health improved within only a few weeks, and their unhealthy fat started to disappear as well.

7. It Keeps Your Vagina Healthy

The vagina is naturally a humid and warm place, creating the perfect corner of heaven for bacteria and yeast to flourish. By getting rid of your pajamas and allowing your lady garden to breathe, you reduce the probability of developing fungal infections and prevent bacteria from overwhelming the normal vaginal flora.

So, what do you say, girls? Will you say bye-bye to your PJs tonight? Can you think of other benefits of sleeping in the nude?


Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Pajamas are the worst!!!

I like the idea

This all good news for me! Will put it into action tonight!

I dont know about other stuff but u sure will get a good sleep.

Benefit of wearing PJs; if there's a fire you don't have to talk to first responders and all your neighbours in the buff ;) lol!

@Kiana you're not naked if you're wearing a t-shirt and panties!

I love sleeping naked. Best sleep every

A little hard to sleep naked with a house full of tween boys, but my European mother raised us not to wear panties at night. She told us we needed to "air out" or lady parts every day to keep it healthy. She was right....again!

I just loop exit to sleep naked:) exception: period, guests or traveling with friends☺️

That's me. I love it relaxing

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