17 Things to Validate Your Feelings of Not Being Ready for Adulthood ...


17 Things to Validate Your Feelings of Not Being Ready for Adulthood ...
17 Things to Validate Your Feelings of Not Being Ready for Adulthood ...

Being an adult kind of sucks. It's nothing like what you expect before you're an adult. Eating cereal for dinner is pretty awesome, sure, but what you don't realize when you're waiting to grow up is that being independent is sort of terrible. Some of us just aren't cut out to live an adult life. Some of us are going to basically be grown up kids for the rest of our lives. Are you one of them? Well, I dunno, are you?

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You Put off Making Appointments Because You Hate Talking to People on the Phone

You Put off Making Appointments Because You Hate Talking to People on the Phone Especially if you have to talk to anyone at the doctor's office. Lyndsie hates making appointments for anything, so I'm the designated appointment-maker in the house.


Going to Bed Early is beyond You

Going to Bed Early is beyond You It's just impossible. One second it's 10:00 PM and you're all set to go to bed and get at least eight hours of healthy, restful sleep. Next thing you know, it's three in the morning and you don't understand your life choices.


So is Getting up Early

So is Getting up Early But that's understandable. You never get to bed before sunrise.


You're Always Slightly Amazed when the Trash Doesn't Magic Itself out

You're Always Slightly Amazed when the Trash Doesn't Magic Itself out Why isn't there an app for this? Why is the Trash Fairy slipping? Secret: my house has a Soda Can Fairy. (Secret: it's just Lyndsie.)


You Find out the Laundry Fairy Sucks, Too

You Find out the Laundry Fairy Sucks, Too If you run out of clean underwear and either have to go commando or wear a swimsuit, you might not be ready to adult yet.

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Two Days after Payday, You're Broke as a Joke Again

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Wine is Your Answer to Every Problem

person, profession, alcohol, Have a toothache? Wine. The roof starts leaking? Wine. Boyfriend cheats? Wine. It's like Windex – a panacea.


Secretly, You Still Always Want to Call Your Mom or Dad

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… and Maybe You Secretly do It More than You Admit

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You Find Yourself Messing up the Simplest Tasks

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Your Idea of Cooking Isn't like Anyone else's

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You Spend a Lot of Time Avoiding Any Kind of Responsibility

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You Spend More Time Making Excuses Not to do Things than You Spend Doing Things

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Buying Vegetables Makes You Feel Grown up

person, Sometimes, it's all about the small things. But seriously, vegetables are responsible.


You've Eaten Cereal with a Fork Because All the Spoons Were Dirty

doll, barbie, toy, And you just don't wanna wash one. Not only are you not ready to adult, but you are lazy and also somewhat brilliant.


You're Reading This List Instead of Doing What You're Supposed to Be Doing

You're Reading This List Instead of Doing What You're Supposed to Be Doing And I thank you for it. Happens to the best of us!

Tell the truth. Are you really, truly ready to be an adult?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

is this thing rlly working?

oh so true

Point 17 tho😀 ...it's time to shower n get ready for work but I got caught up reading

Thankfully i only use fork instead of spoon 😂😂

Hello xxx



This is so me! 😭 haha I really need to grow up

Isn't growing up such fun!! Hahhaah


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