How Many of These Totally Real Phobias do You Have? ...


How Many of These Totally Real Phobias do You Have? ...
How Many of These Totally Real Phobias do You Have? ...

Have you ever wondered what if you're totally afraid of is just you or an actual phobia? Keep reading to find out - you may be surprised by how many actually exist!

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Spiders 🕷

Phobia name: Arachnophobia
Type: fear of spiders
Fact: This is one of the most common and popular phobias to have, which is an extreme fear of spiders of any kind


Arachnophobia often triggers intense anxiety even at the thought or sight of a web or the innocent scuttle of these eight-legged creatures. Interestingly, many with the phobia aren't necessarily afraid of being bitten; the fear is often centered around the shape, movements, or even the sheer unexpectedness of encountering a spider. If you shriek at the corner cobwebs during your spring-cleaning rituals or find yourself frozen in terror at a casual spider cameo, you're definitely not alone. Notoriously, even the bravest souls sometimes can’t handle the creeping dread that spiders evoke!


Snakes 🐍

Phobia name: Ophidiophobia
Type: fear of snakes
Fact: People with this phobia feel nervous and anxious when around snakes and tend of avoid places that tend to have more snakes for this reason


Ophidiophobia is more common than one would think, often stemming from a deep-rooted sense of danger associated with these slithering reptiles. This fear can be so intense that even images or television programs featuring snakes can trigger anxiety. Interestingly, while some individuals' fear is linked to personal experiences or cultural beliefs, for others, it might simply be an instinctual response. There's even a theory suggesting that it could be evolutionary, where our ancestors needed to avoid venomous snakes to survive, hence the seemingly innate repulsion or fear in some of us today. So, if the mere mention of snakes has you recoiling, you're definitely not alone.


Heights 🎡

Phobia name: Acrophobia
Type: fear of heights
Fact: People with this phobia often don't feel comfortable being at any kind of height, provided it's not at ground level


Open, Crowded Spaces ⛱

Phobia name: Agoraphobia
Type: fear of open, crowded spaces
Fact: People with this phobia often don't feel comfortable in open spaces and fear them for this reason


Small, Confined Spaces 🏠

Phobia name: Claustrophobia
Type: fear of small, confined spaces
Fact: People with this phobia will try to avoid entering elevators, small rooms and other enclosed spaces

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Dogs 🐕

Phobia name: Cynophobia
Type: fear of dogs
Fact: People with this phobia can be afraid of anything from small Poodles to large Great Danes


Death ☠

Phobia name: Thanatophobia
Type: fear of death
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of anything death related, including speaking or even thinking about it


Public Speaking 💬

Phobia name: Glossophobia
Type: fear of public speaking
Fact: People with this phobia are generally not comfortable giving speeches


Flying ✈️

Phobia name: Aerophobia
Type: fear of flying
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of flying and getting on aeroplanes, which can make them feel nervous and anxious


Blood 💧

Phobia name: Hemophobia
Type: fear of blood
Fact: Just the sight of blood can cause fainting for those with this phobia


Crowds 👪

Phobia name: Enochlophobia
Type: fear of crowds
Fact: This phobia is closely related to Ochlophobia and Demophobia


Birds 🐦

Phobia name: Ornithophobia
Type: fear of birds
Fact: People with this phobia may only fear certain species of birds or all kinds of birds


Commitment 💍

Phobia name: Gamophobia
Type: fear of commitment
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid to be with a partner long term or being required to 'commit' in one way or another


Gamophobia can manifest in sweaty palms, rapid breathing, and an overwhelming sense of anxiety at the mere thought of long-term relationships or marriage. It's not simply cold feet; it's a genuine fear that can stem from past experiences, cultural pressures, or personal insecurities. Those grappling with this phobia might find themselves sabotaging relationships or avoiding them altogether. However, it is important to remember that with the right support and therapy, individuals can overcome gamophobia and learn to embrace the idea of commitment without fear.


Intimacy 💑

Phobia name: Aphenphosmphobia
Type: fear of intimacy
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of physical or emotional intimacy, including being loved by another


Aphenphosmphobia can be particularly challenging in romantic relationships. Those experiencing this fear might shudder at the thought of holding hands, hugging, or sharing a deep conversation. It’s not just about the fear of sexual intimacy; it’s the vulnerability of opening up, sharing emotions, and building a close bond that terrifies them. This phobia can stem from past traumas or anxiety disorders, making professional help a beneficial avenue. While hard to overcome, gentle exposure, supportive therapy, and understanding partners can make a world of difference for those looking to connect deeply with others.


Abandonment 🏃 🚶

Phobia name: Autophobia
Type: fear of abandonment
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of being abandoned in one way or another


Alone 🚶

Phobia name: Monophobia
Type: fear of being alone
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid to be alone, either in a long term instance or simply on a daily basis


Love ❤️

Phobia name: Philophobia
Type: fear of love
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid to love another and/or be loved


Fear 👾

Phobia name: Phobophobia
Type: fear of fear itself
Fact: People with this phobia have a fear of fear itself


Failure ✖️

Phobia name: Atychiphobia
Type: fear of failure
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of failing and/or believing that they are a failure


Holes ⭕️

Phobia name: Trypophobia
Type: fear of tiny holes
Fact: This is a pretty unusual but common phobia of lots of small, tiny holes


Needles 💉

Phobia name: Trypanophobia
Type: fear of needles
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid to be near needles and/or injected with anything, sometimes even just the sight of needles can cause fainting


Change 🔀

Phobia name: Metathesiophobia
Type: fear of change
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of the idea of change and unfamiliarity


Bugs and Insects 🐝

Phobia name: Entomophobia
Type: fear of bugs and/or insects
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of most kinds of bugs and/or insects


Darkness 🌙

Phobia name: Nyctophobia
Type: fear of darkness
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of darkness and hence feel much more comfortable in areas of light


Age 🗓

Phobia name: Gerascophobia
Type: fear of age and/or aging
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of the idea of aging and possibly age in a general sense


Hospitals 🚑

Phobia name: Nosocomephobia
Type: fear of hospitals
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid to go inside a hospital and/or be anywhere near a hospital in general


Future 🔮

Phobia name: Chronophobia
Type: fear of the future
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of the future and what's to come



Phobia name: Xenophobia
Type: fear of the unknown
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of the unknown and/or the idea of uncertainty


Ocean 🌊

Phobia name: Thalassophobia
Type: fear of the ocean
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of going near and/or in the ocean and tend to avoid this when possible


Driving 🚗

Phobia name: Vehophobia
Type: fear of driving
Fact: People with this phobia are often afraid of driving and being behind the wheel

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Number 8 hands down

I always knew I had a phobia of holes or irregular patterns but I never knew there was an actual name for it. Later I found I have trypophobia 😩

I think at some point in time, everyone becomes afraid of death. I am afraid of spiders 🕷

I have so many of these phobias! My anxiety soared through the roof this past winter until I got a handle on it, good to know others fear many things too :)

I am very scared of dogs it interrupts my life. When i lived in an upstairs apartment my downstairs neighbor had a big boxer and when they had it outside id stay in my car until they went inside or id wait in my house to go anywhere until they went inside it was horrible.

I don't really know what I'm afraid of. I know that it's not a physical thing, that's for sure. Like I'm not afraid of any object or animal.



Always have had the fear of falling & dogs smh so I'm not a fan of heels, tall buildings & any unfamiliar homes or neighborhood because I'm not sure if it's dogs around

Arachnophobia is the worst thing I have

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