Seriously Great Ways to Give Back This Christmas in the UK ...


Seriously Great Ways to Give Back This Christmas in the UK ...
Seriously Great Ways to Give Back This Christmas in the UK ...

Christmas is traditionally a time when we all focus much more on the receiving of gifts then we do the giving, but in these troubled times, I always think that it is nice to remember and consider those who might be in more need than you. If you have a spare few days over the holiday season, or if you happen to be in a situation where you are spending this festive period alone, then why not think about helping others? Here are some seriously great ways for women in the UK to give back this Christmas.

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Cocktails for the Elderly

There is a misconception that people in care homes don’t like to have festive fun, but there has been a rising trend in people taking time to go a local home and make some festive cocktails for the residents. It’s wonderful to see them have a nice little knees up together in the seasonal spirit!



The Care4Calais charity is one that does amazing work for the refugees living in terrible conditions. If you want to help others during the holidays, then you can always volunteer to go over and provide fresh food and warm bedding and clothing to those in need. It’s an incredibly worthy cause.


Pen Pal

It isn’t just locally that you can make a difference to lonely people. There are plenty of organisations online that can set you up with an elderly pen pal to write back and forth to. Just having some personalised post that isn’t a bill or a junk letter can make someone feel really special.
15 Best Sites to Find Your Pen Pal to Write to


Join Goodgym

Goodgym is a charity that has been doing great things since 2008. It is a weekly running club that combines regular exercise with helping the community with things like jogging to plant trees for a local park, community gardening projects and sorting cans for a food bank. It’s a great way to care for the elderly, have community spirit, and keep fit.


Charity Volunteering

Christmas is a time when a lot of people have a clear out in preparation for a new load of household gifts, so volunteering at a charity shop when their intake is going to be the biggest of the year is a great way to spend your time.

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Find out where your nearest food bank is and make your way down there with some tins and other items in hand. It’s always good to think about those who aren’t as lucky or privileged as you at Christmas.


Visit Elderly Neighbours

Loneliness in elderly people who live on their own is becoming an even bigger issue, so if you know that you have neighbours who are going to be on their own this Christmas, make the effort to pop in for a cup of tea and a biscuit, and give them a little bit of much needed company. Nobody should feel lonely at this time of the year.

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