7 Relaxing Outdoor Activities That Offer Peace of Mind ...


7 Relaxing Outdoor Activities That Offer Peace of Mind ...
7 Relaxing Outdoor Activities That Offer Peace of Mind ...

We all need a little break from reality from time-to-time, and enjoying some relaxing outdoor activities is a great way to put aside the worries and cares of the everyday hustle and bustle of life and gain some peace of mind. I find that being outside is quite therapeutic. It lets me get out all that recycled air I've been breathing in and take in some fresh air. It lets me soak up some much needed sunshine, and it helps me remember that life isn't all about sitting in front of a computer and cleaning. What do I do to find some peace of mind in Mother Nature? - Any of these relaxing outdoor activities.

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Take a Walk

Take a Walk This is one of the easiest relaxing outdoor activities that you can possibly do that offers great peace of mind: Walking. Just put on a pair of shoes and get to moving on your feet. You'll get some exercise, which will help to get the blood flowing and make you feel good. You'll soak up some sun, which will bring up the Vitamin C levels. You'll also get a chance to clear your head and regroup yourself. I try to take at least one walk a day. It does a world of good.


Go for a Swim

Go for a Swim I am a huge fan of swimming. Heck, I don't even have to actually do any real strokes, per say, I just have to be in the water to be relaxed. Being weightless in the water just brings me back to reality and makes be forget about all of my worries, if even for just a little bit. Since I am such a big kid at heart, of course, I do some flips, some handstands and some fun jumps into the water, as well. Yes, swimming is certainly a relaxing way to enjoy some peace outside.


Get on the Water

Get on the Water Whether it's on a big boat, a canoe or a kayak, being on the water is another great relaxing outdoor activity. Being in the middle of the water allows you to soak up the beauty of nature from a different perspective. All of my stress melts away when I am sitting on a vessel on top of the water.


Go for a Bike Ride

Go for a Bike Ride Remember when you were a kid? You would ride your bike for hours a day, with no real destination in mind; riding your bike just for the sake of riding your bike. I don't know about you, but I really wasn't very stressed out when I was a kid, and I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I rode my bike everywhere! I still love to ride my bike today. Not only is it great exercise, but I also find it very relaxing.



Gardening Pulling weeds, planting flowers and making the earth more beautiful is something else that I find peaceful. Not only is the action of gardening peaceful to me, but it is so wonderful to see the fruits of my labor show in a lovely garden.

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Jump in a Pile of Leaves

Jump in a Pile of Leaves I hadn't done this one in a long time, until I had a kid, actually. Last year was the first time in ages that I actually jumped in a pile of leaves, and I found it to be quite peaceful. I owe a big thanks to my little guy for that one!


Build a Snowman

Build a Snowman This is another one that I hadn't done for a long time, but have grown to love again and have found the peace in again, thanks to my little boy. Just because it's cold out doesn't mean you can't find peace in the outdoors.

If you head to the outdoors to find some peace of mind, what are some of your favorite ways to destress and get yourself balanced?

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Just... perfect!!!

All these people look super cool- I enjoy a good walk and love my nature time but really I won't look so awesomely fashionable

I can't make snowmen :( no snow here

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