9 Incredible Ways to Live Stress Free in the City ...


9 Incredible Ways to Live Stress Free in the City ...
9 Incredible Ways to Live Stress Free in the City ...

Being young and new to the city life is pretty stressful however, I’ve found some amazing ways to live stress free in the city and I highly recommend them to anyone living in the city or who just a stressful life in general. If you stick with these tips, I’m sure that in no time you’ll have your own ways to live stress free as well.

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Time Management

One of the easiest ways to live stress free in the city is by managing your time. This really goes for anything and any place that you live, however in a big city sometimes it’s easier to lose track of time. If you manage your time the proper way it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll be on your way to being stress free in no time.


Punctual Priorities

My next tip on ways to live stress free in the city is by prioritizing. In high school I was notorious for procrastinating, however now that I’m living in a city I make sure I’m prioritizing the proper way. First things first! Once my bills are take care of, my homework is done, training and work are both done for the day, then that’s when I take my breather and relax. Prioritizing makes everything much easier and definitely less stressful.


Know Your Way

One of the easiest ways to live stress free in the city is by knowing your way around. A lot of times, there is bumper-to-bumper traffic that completely hinders getting from point A to point B. If you know more than just one way to get to your destination, then there is less stress in your life.



Another one of my favorite ways to live stress free in the city is by networking. Having connections gets you what, who, and where you need to be. Have you ever heard someone say, "I have my ways"? Well one of my ways is networking and I honestly live more relaxed knowing that I have someone, somewhere who can take care of what I need.


Stay Connected

As annoying as media and social networking can be sometimes, it is actually one of the ways to live stress free. The good thing about the media is that you can truly find out necessary and even unnecessary information about people, places, and topics in a matter of minutes. In addition to this, being connected allows you to relieve stress by tweeting, messaging, or even blogging about personal situations or opinions.

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Enjoy Yourself

Many times while in the city, people forget that enjoying me time is one of the ways to live stress free. One of my favorite ways to live stress free is by going to workout or even pamper myself. I know it seems like something that is completely absent minded and something I should do on the regular, but when you’re busy, sometimes you forget.


Fun and Fitness

Another one of my favorite ways to live to stress free is by working out with my friends. When I’m training for a race, or just challenging myself to be the best, I truly stress out. However, when I’m working out with my friends or messing around attempting to Zumba, all my worries fade. If you try having fun while being active, it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll be ecstatic.


Scale Back

When you live in a city, there’s just so much going on all at once, and one of the best ways to live stress free is by scaling back. If you have a busy routine on the regular, don’t add anything extra. If you have the opportunity, try to remove some things from your schedule. Stress free is the best way to be.



My last tip for ways to live stress free in the city would have to be preparation. When you are properly prepared in advance, everything runs smoothly. If I can sum up living stress free, I would say, time and prep.

These are just a few of my most valuable tips for living stress free. Since I live in the city, these things truly help me stay stress free, but I also know these tips work in other environments as well. If you have any tips you use to stay stress free let me know! I’d love to hear your ideas.

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