9 Inspiring Quotes to Lift Your Spirits ...


Sometimes we could all use some inspiring quotes to help us get out of a slump and put things into perspective. I love reading inspiring quotes when I’m feeling down or just when I want to put a little pep in my step! There are tons of inspiring quotes out there and I wanted to share nine of my personal favorites!

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“Nothing is Impossible; the Word Itself Says ‘I’m Possible!’” –Audrey Hepburn

Screen siren Audrey Hepburn has uttered some of the most inspiring quotes to date and I especially love this one! The next time you’re facing a seemingly impossible task or you’re up against the odds, remember this quote and remember that you are possible!


“Believe You Can and You’re Halfway There.”-Theodore Roosevelt

Isn’t this motivational quote so true?! Believing in ourselves is so important and really, once you realize that you’re capable of greatness and believe you’re able to achieve anything you put your mind to, you’ve already won half the battle!


“Change Your Thoughts and You Change Your World.”-Norman Vincent Peale

Norman Vincent Peale literally wrote the book on positive thinking and has provided thousands with quotes that are inspiring. This quote reminds me to not dwell on the negative. No matter what you may be going through at the present, you can change the way you think and the way you look at it. You can change your thoughts and choose to be happy!


“Don’t Let the Fear of Striking out Hold You Back.” –Babe Ruth

This motivational quote is for anyone who’s ever been in a situation where you could make a difference but were afraid to fail or you had the chance to try something new but you didn’t know if you could do it. Don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back! There are many people who have accomplished great things because they weren’t afraid!


“There Are Souls in This World Which Have the Gift of Finding Joy Everywhere and of Leaving It behind Them when They Go.” –Fredrick Faber

You know those people who seem to always be happy no matter what? The girl who always has a smile on her face and seems like nothing in the world bothers her? Well, I’m not one of those people but this inspiring quote reminds me that any of us can be one of those happy people and we can spread our joy to others around us. What a great gift to give others!

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“if You Think You Are Too Small to Be Effective, You Have Never Been in the Dark with a Mosquito.” –Unknown

Quotes that are inspiring don’t all have to be serious. This funny quote tells us that no matter how small of a contribution or how little we feel, we can certainly make a difference in the world! Even as tiny and insignificant as a mosquito can seem, we’ll surely feel their bite for a long time after they have left us. Even if your involvement doesn’t seem like much, it can mean a lot to others.


“You Are Always Free to Change Your Mind and Choose a Different Future, or a Different past.” –Richard Bach

When I was an undergrad I had a hard time choosing my major. I constantly thought about it and pressured myself to pick a major but nothing seemed to fit. I happened to talk to someone who told me something along the same lines as this quote and it really helped me to not put so much pressure on myself and just let things fall into place. You always have the choice to change your mind and go on a different path!


“What Great Thing Would You Attempt if You Knew You Could Not Fail?” –Robert H. Schuller

Have you ever thought about all the things you would attempt to do if you knew you couldn’t fail? We might make a lot of mistakes but we would also make a lot of differences in the lives of others. The next time you want to do something, don’t automatically think to the negative. Sure, your plan might not work out as planned but there’s just a good of a chance that it will! Failure is not your only option!


“We Are All Faced with a Series of Great Opportunities Brilliantly Disguised as Impossible Situations.” –Charles Swindoll

I love this powerful motivational quote because it reminds us that even difficult and impossible situations can be opportunities in disguise! Even when you’re faced with something that appears to be extremely challenging and dreadful, it could be an opportunity for something great and life-changing to occur!

I hope these inspiring quotes help you get through a difficult day or just give you some extra oomph the next time you’re given a challenge. No matter what the situation, you can get through it. Think back to all the things you’ve accomplished and conquered so far. At the time I bet you didn’t think you could get through it, but you did! If you can do that, you can do much more and then some! What is your favorite inspirational quote?

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It's not the mosquito bit that he's talking bout. It's the noise it makes. For a small creature, it can keep you up all night with its noise!!!

Boy, did I need to be reminded of #7 today. "Illusions" - the Richard Bach book the quote is from - is coming out tonight

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself. - Eleanor Roosevelt

This is an awesome post!! I like happy positive posts like this!

I'm possible, genial!

"Live every day enjoying being you, life's too short to be anyone else" - Unknown

“If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.” - MJ

I love these! Thank you so much for writing/sharing! <3

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