7 Great Things to do in the New Year ...


7 Great Things to do in the New Year ...
7 Great Things to do in the New Year ...

There are plenty of things to do in the new year that may have never made it to that list before. Sure, we could do the usual suggestions, such as live better, lose weight, spend more time with family; but why not make some fun goals that will get those done along the way? This list of things to do in the new year will help us grow, become healthier, live better, work smarter, and spend more time with our families without any new gym memberships and minimal stress. Too good to be true? I think not!

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Learn a New Language

This is at the top of the list of things to do in the new year for more than one reason. Most of us here in North America only know one to two languages, while other places in the world know at least three to four. Increase your brain capacity by learning a new language in 2014. Learning a new language can help increase your chances of traveling to new countries, get you a raise at work for being bi or trilingual, and increase your problem solving skills.


Have an Adventure!

Every year my husband makes it a goal to go on one new adventure. We hardly ever know what it will be when the new year starts, but it always ends up being something exciting! This last year, it was shark diving without a cage. These epic adventures always give us something to talk about at parties and push us outside our comfort zones. Shark diving may not be your kind of adventure, but something out there is and you can do it this year!


Sign up for a Race

One of the greatest ways to keep your get healthy goals in the new year is to register for an event that will keep you on track. Whether you are interested in running, swimming, biking, yoga, or all of it, there is a competitive event for you. These events will make it much easier to get up and go work out, and completing that goal will make all that hard work worth it. For those who are making a fitness goal for the first time, start with something small like a 5k in two months. After that, you will feel ready for anything!



One of the greatest ways to make a difference in your own life and in the lives of others is to volunteer. Pet shelters, churches, and local organizations are always looking for more helping hands and will usually work around your schedule. Start your search by literally searching Google. Google is a great place to start, simply search non-profits in your area and a list of them is almost sure to pop-up. Other great organizations that are located around the US include Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the Humane Society.



Someone I greatly respect once said the only things that will change us are the books we read and the people we associate with. Reading 15 minutes a day is not much time but it could change the way we see life. Some of the books on my reading list this year are How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan, and The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. And of course, there will be some fiction mixed in as well.

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Explore Where You Live

I live in a tourist town and have recently come to believe that tourists know more about where I dwell than I do. To rectify this, I will be exploring my own hometown this year and honestly, I cannot wait. Even if you do not live in a tourist mecca, there is a pretty great chance that your hometown has hidden gems just waiting for you to find. Learning about our hometowns can be just as fun as traveling to somewhere else, and a whole lot less expensive!


Find Something Ordinary and Incredible

Each of us have our own lives and each one is completely different from the other. No matter how ordinary our life might be to ourselves, it could be extraordinary to someone else. One of the greatest things I will be doing this year is to find something incredible in every ordinary day. I have no doubt that some days will be more difficult than others, but have heard that seeing the incredible in the ordinary can change your point of view!

2014 is bound to be an incredible year. New lives will be started, more cat videos will be uploaded, and all of our lives will be a little different than they are now! What are some things that you are excited about doing in the new year?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Adventure and learning a new language are on the top of my resolution list

Travel more, definitely

Volunteering is definitely mine

Adventure & figuring out how to handle issues with out parents around to get in the way.

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