8 Effective Ways to Stop Apologizing All the Time ...

Lisa Aug 14, 2012

Do you or someone you know have the bad habit of constantly apologizing, and it’s got you wondering if there are ways to stop apologizing all the time? There is definitely a time and place to say that you are sorry about something, but if you’re in the habit of peppering your everyday interactions with others with apologies, it’s time to step back and rethink your course of action! Keep reading for more on why and how to stop saying those two dreaded words all the time.

1. Listen

One of the key ways to stop apologizing all the time is to take a good, hard look at your speech patterns and take note of the who, what, when, where and how of the conversations that lead to you apologizing. Are you talking to family members, friends or co-workers? Are you apologizing to avoid conflict or are you placating someone? Be aware of the environment and circumstances surrounding the occurrences that bring out apologies to get a better idea of what drives this habit.

2. Acknowledge Feelings

Another way to stop apologizing all the time which goes hand-in-hand with listening to yourself is to acknowledge the way you feel when you’re apologizing. When you say you’re sorry all the time it can lower your self-esteem over time and it can also communicate to others that you don’t feel that you’re good enough or that you are seeking approval for what you do. The next time you feel the urge to apologize, be aware of how you’re feeling as it can help you get to the root of the issue and help you to break the habit.

3. Be Honest

Being honest with yourself is one of the first steps to take in how to stop apologizing all the time. Think about what’s driving you to say sorry, do you feel intimidated by others or are you trying to avoid expressing your true feelings by covering it up with an apology? Talk to a trusted friend or family member about it or do some research on assertiveness and how you can raise your self-esteem!

4. Say No

One of the most difficult steps in the process of learning how to stop apologizing all the time is to learn to say no! Obviously we cannot please everyone all the time no matter what your PhD in Multitasking says; it’s just not humanly possible. Start slowly by not taking on requests that you just don’t have time for or don’t want to do and politely decline the request without apologizing for refusing. Remember that you can always try to come to a compromise without feeling like you’re shutting everyone down!

5. Recognize when to Be Sorry

Although we’re discussing ways to stop apologizing all the time, there are times when we want to say sorry and it’s important that we recognize these incidences. For example, save your sorries for when you’re offering your condolences for a death or when you’ve genuinely done something wrong such as hurt someone’s feelings. Those are the few times when it’s totally appropriate to apologize and you should feel free to do so.

6. Recognize when Not to Be Sorry

One of the fundamental ways to stop apologizing all the time is to identify the times when you should not be apologizing also. If you find yourself apologizing for things that you have no control over or things that have nothing to do with you, stop! You honestly cannot be responsible for all that has gone wrong and you shouldn’t be made to feel that you are! Think about the instances where you find yourself apologizing a lot, was it relevant to the conversation and did it help anything?

7. Take Time out

The next time you find yourself in a sticky situation where you want to apologize, one of the simple ways to stop apologizing all the time is to take a time out and think about the situation thoroughly. Getting into a conflict or other apology-inducing situation can make you feel compelled to start patching things up by apologizing but bear in mind that just because there’s a disagreement or something occurred doesn’t mean it’s your fault. Try to learn to look at things objectively, look for a resolution and move on!

8. Change Your Vocab

Changing your everyday vocabulary is one of the most effective steps to take to learn how to stop saying you’re sorry. Remember to reserve your apologies for only specific occasions and start teaching yourself to say “excuse me” or “pardon” for all other instances. Switching out those words can really make a difference in how you feel, you’re owning up to something like bumping into someone on accident not saying sorry for being in their way!

Consider these ways to stop apologizing all the time and determine if you’re communicating the right message to others. Although many people have good intentions when they say sorry, constantly apologizing can lead to negative feelings of oneself and also irritate other people. When you find yourself saying sorry all the time, it won’t carry much weight for those times you truly mean it and it can miscommunicate that you are apologizing for being you. Do you have this habit? What changes did you make to stop saying sorry all the time?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

this is actually a major conflict my bf and i are always having. i'm always saying sorry to him instead of communicating properly, so know when i am sorry it's hard for him to believe. Thanks for the tips, i'll be putting them in action asap!

I have such problem :(

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