7 Definite Signs You Need a New Group of Friends ...

Alicia Jan 31, 2014

Sometimes you need to evaluate your friendships for signs you need a new group of friends. Friends are so important in life. They are a relationship that is built entirely on choice, unlike family relationships which have their own special value. You form friendships because you like each other, you have things in common and care about one another. But if your friends are treating you badly, there are probably some of these signs you need a new group of friends.

Quiz: Discover Your Friend Preferences


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1. They Ditch You

One of the signs you need a new group of friends is if they ditch you. That is just not cool. Anytime you are hanging out with a group of friends and they all suddenly make plans to go do something else and don’t invite you along, they are being unkind to you. You do not have to put up with that. If that is the case, start looking for different friends.


It can be difficult to know when it’s time to move on from a group of friends, but if you’re constantly being left out, it might be a sign that you need to find a new group. If your friends are ditching you, it could be a sign that they don’t value your friendship as much as you’d like them to.

Other signs you need a new group of friends include if they’re constantly negative, if you don’t feel like you can be yourself around them, or if your interests and values don’t align. It’s important to have friends who support you and make you feel good about yourself.

It’s not always easy to make new friends, but it’s important to have people in your life who make you feel happy and respected. Consider joining clubs or activities that interest you, or look for online communities of people who share similar interests. You can also reach out to people you’ve met in the past who you have a good connection with.

2. They Make Fun of You

If your friends make fun of you for anything, it is a sign you need a new group of friends. This piece of advice needs to be handled carefully, though. A lot of fun and harmless teasing can go on in friendships and that is perfectly okay. But if the teasing is unkind or intended to hurt your feelings, that is different. If you get the feeling you are being made fun of, you probably are. You should especially never be made fun of for your appearance or your abilities.


Having a supportive group of friends is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. If your friends are making fun of you, it could be a sign that you need to find a new group of friends. If the teasing is unkind or intended to hurt your feelings, it is a sign that your friends are not supportive. Additionally, you should never be made fun of for your appearance or abilities. It is important to have friends who are there to support and encourage you, not put you down. Finding a new group of friends who are more supportive may be the best choice for your mental and emotional wellbeing.

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3. They Leave You out

Being left out is hurtful. Most of us have had our feelings hurt at one time or another and we know what it feels like. If you are in a large group of friends and a couple of them go off to have lunch, that is perfectly okay. But if you find out that the majority of your friends are getting together without you on a frequent basis, that is not okay. It more than likely means you are being left out and it is time to move on.


If you’re in a group of friends and you find yourself being left out more and more often, it could be a sign that you need to find a new group of friends. It’s not uncommon for people to be left out of group activities, but if it’s a frequent occurrence, it could be a sign that you’re not a priority to your current group of friends.

It’s important to understand that it’s not always intentional. Sometimes people can get busy and forget to include you in their plans, but if it becomes a pattern, it could be a sign that your group of friends isn’t as tight as you thought. It’s important to recognize when it’s time to move on and find a new group of friends who will make you feel included and appreciated.

It’s also important to make sure you’re not the one leaving others out. If you’re always the one making the plans, it could be a sign that you’re not giving others a chance to be included. Make sure to give others a chance to make plans and be the leader of the group.

4. You Just Feel Something is off

You know, our intuition is a gift that helps us to determine things that are going on that we can’t quite see evidence of yet. I think intuition can be very valuable. But it is also important to remember that it is sometimes wrong. If you get the feeling that something is off in your friendship, it very well may be. Usually, you get that vibe for a reason.


Your sixth sense about the dynamics of your friendship group shouldn't be ignored. It's the sum of subtle cues—changes in tone, patterns in behavior, or inconsistencies in stories—that your conscious mind might not register. Trust that inner voice urging you to take a second look at your relationships. However, consider seeking clarity by reflecting or discussing your concerns with a trusted confidant before jumping to conclusions. Balance is key; use your intuition as a guide, not an absolute truth, and pair it with a healthy dose of rational thought and observation.

5. They Are Snobby

Snobby friends are not the kind of friends that you want to have. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having friends from any economic class. But if some of your friends from an upper class are snobby then you should probably consider moving on. Not only does their behavior look bad on them but it looks bad on you if you stick around them long enough. Fair or not, the behavior of our friends is often held against us.

6. They Mistreat Others

Having a friend that mistreats others is not a good thing. I am not talking about your friend being short with her boyfriend; that is a completely different situation. But if you have a friend who routinely mistreats others, it does not say much for her personality. You have to ask yourself if you want to be friends with someone like that. You never know, you could be the next person they decide to mistreat.


Friendships should be built on mutual respect and kindness. When a friend consistently bullies, belittles, or manipulates those around them, it reflects a profound lack of empathy and a tendency towards toxicity. Such behavior can be emotionally draining and even damaging to witness or be subjected to. It's essential to consider the moral implications of maintaining a relationship with an individual who displays harmful behavior towards others. Remember, the company you keep is a reflection of your values and who you ultimately become.

7. They Put down Things in Your Life

A friend should be happy when you are happy. They should celebrate all of life’s successes with you and be glad when things are going your way. If your friends cannot do that, there is a problem. They are not true friends because true friends want the best for others. Consider finding a new group of friends if you are in this situation.

No friend is going to be perfect but our friends should care about us and want the best for us. What other reasons do you think there are for finding a new group of friends? I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Ok. I can call them "friends"

That happend to me once. The next day she was begging me to be her BF

Uuhhaaa!!!! This is definitly correct! True friends is always there whatever happened not just there for thier own interest:-)

I don't have any friends I moved here two years ago and haven't met any friends any advice

Couldn't agree more!! Experiencing a few if these made for a very unhappy me. There's nothing worse than feeling alone when your surrounded by "friends".

Totally agree!

So right going no way this is so true!

This is so true, a bit too real

That's why you should have friends apart from your main separate friendship circle.

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