7 Body Language Signs That Can Change the Way You Communicate ...


The average person says about 15,000 words a day, but did you know most of one’s thoughts are conveyed through common body language signs? Some call it hocus-pocus, but people leak signals with gestures and poses without even knowing. Mastering the art of body language can reveal and transform how people perceive you. Roll up your sleeves, and ready your mind! Prepare to be amazed with these body language signs that can make you a smarter talker.

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Real Eyes or Real Lies

Eyes aren’t just windows to the soul; they’re the boldest body language signs. The first sign taught in Lying 101 is broken eye-contact. However, it’s the direction of the eyes that matter. If someone looks up and left while talking, be suspicious. That’s because the left-side of the brain is “creative” and possibly well at work! If someone is looking up and to the right, the story might be believable because that’s the “remembering” half of the brain.


Glasses Games

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then glasses must be soul’s messenger. For example, playing with your glasses can function as a nervous stalling tactic. Adjusting your glasses shows interest because it sharpens your view. Also, if someone puts them away in the middle of conversing, be concerned. That means he or she is done talking and is sick of seeing you. Who knew frames could be so sassy!


Body language is a subtle but powerful form of communication. It can be used to express emotions, show interest or disinterest, and even convey deeper meanings. Glasses games are a common body language sign that can be used to express feelings and emotions.

When someone adjusts their glasses while talking, it usually indicates that they are interested in the conversation. If someone takes off their glasses during a conversation, it could mean that they are done talking and are no longer interested.

Glasses games can also be used to show nervousness. If someone is fidgeting with their glasses, it could be a sign that they are anxious or uncomfortable. This type of body language can be used to show that someone is uncomfortable with the topic being discussed or is feeling overwhelmed.

Glasses games can also be used to convey deeper meanings. Taking off glasses and putting them away could be a sign that someone is trying to distance themselves from the conversation. It could also be a sign that someone is feeling threatened or intimidated.

Frequently asked questions

Oh, that can mean a lot of things! Sometimes it's a sign that they're trying to connect more personally or emphasize something important. Other times, it might indicate they're feeling a bit overwhelmed or need a break. It really depends on the context and the person.

Well, it could be just a habit or because their glasses are slipping. But in the body language world, it might also show they're trying to buy some thinking time or feeling a bit anxious. It’s a mix of practical and psychological reasons.

Totally! Frequent adjustments can indicate nervousness or that the person is feeling unsure about something. It’s like a little non-verbal cue that something’s up.

That's an interesting one! Looking over glasses can make someone seem more authoritative or skeptical. It’s a classic move for teachers or parents when they're making a point or questioning something.

Oh, absolutely! Putting glasses on the head usually suggests someone is feeling relaxed or informal. It's like a way of taking a mental break or saying 'I’m off-duty for a bit.'


Compass of Interest

Ironically, feet speak volumes about the object of one’s attention. Next time you’re in an uncomfortable situation, take note of your positioning. Chances are the legs are facing the nearest exist. Conversely, if you’re speaking to someone, and his or her feet are angled away—change your game plan, because it’s just not interesting.


Head Holding

Another trick for discerning boredom from interest rests in hand-head interactions. Holding one’s head, like to prevent it from rolling off the shoulders, easily suggests the person is struggling to stay present. However, holding the head without resting on the supporting hand shows interest and agreement. Another signal for showing interest involves tilting the head sideways. So long as nobody is snoozing, it’s a good sign!


Hand Tricks

Palms up or palms down, the way your hand faces determines everything. If you’re trying to be open and respectful, speak with your palms exposed. Closed fists and down-facing hands assert power, however, and have aggressive undertones. This can be applied to handshakes, too. Make sure nobody is twisting their palm up or down to ensure an equal encounter.

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Barrier Building

I’m sure most people know that defensive = crossed arms and legs. This is a primal instinct to protect the sensitive core with your relatively organ-less limbs. However, people can make pseudo-barriers that convey any feelings of discomfort. For example, frequently touching a watch or clutching a bag are methods that make your body feel protected by making shields. An interesting one you may see during meals is the “glass on the non-dominant side” set up. This forces someone to reach across their sensitive midsection to get a drink, sneakily making a barrier with every sip.


Creating barriers through body language is a common way for people to protect themselves and convey feelings of discomfort. This can include crossing arms and legs, as well as other subtle actions like touching a watch or clutching a bag. Another interesting barrier-building method is the placement of a glass on the non-dominant side during meals, forcing the person to reach across their midsection for a drink and unconsciously creating a shield. These primal instincts to protect our core are deeply ingrained in our body language and can greatly impact the way we communicate with others. Being aware of these signs can help us better understand and interpret the messages being conveyed through body language.


Likes Me, Likes Me Not

This is one of my favorites. Everyone wants to know who likes them—so here’s a trick. People’s faces often “light up” when they see something attractive. If you bump into a person, his or her eyebrows should jump up and the pupils should dilate. This happens quickly, though, and it’s probably the hardest body sign to catch.

I should note that body language, like spoken language, is subject to misinterpretation. These tricks aren’t foolproof, and body language masters may be lurking around! If a body language signs expert is around, would you mind commenting and revealing some tricks of your own?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

There is also the physical part- when you like someone or want to persuade, you may touch one's hand or arm. Also if sitting down, is the person listening to you leaning in listening or comfortably leaning back, or avoiding eye contact but keeping an open ear?

So true

no this is wrong, its the opposite

Exit not exist

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