17 Commandments Every Fierce Female Squad Follows ...


17 Commandments Every Fierce Female Squad Follows ...
17 Commandments Every Fierce Female Squad Follows ...

Female empowerment has been a hot topic lately, and I mean, why wouldn't it be? In today's 2024 world, we are all awakening to the limitless potential of women. Now, let's talk about one of the most dynamic elements of this empowerment trend: the elite squad of fierce females. These aren't just your average group of girlfriends. Oh no! These are the warriors who support, uplift, and challenge each other to be the best versions of themselves. They have some unspoken rules that we can all learn from. I like to call them the "17 Commandments Ever Fierce Female Squad Follows."

When I was in college, I stumbled upon my own squad of fierce females. We were all so different: a future lawyer, a budding artist, an aspiring scientist, and me, the confused one who later fell in love with writing. But somehow, our diversity made us stronger. We maintained a solid foundation through principles, some of which I’ll share with you today. So, grab your favorite snack, settle in, and let's dive into the power of sisterhood.

Support each other unconditionally. Let's be honest; life can be a rollercoaster. But having a bunch of powerful women cheering you on? That’s like having a personal pep squad ready to catch you whenever you fall. This isn't just about patting each other on the back. This is about being there in the trenches, celebrating the wins, and providing comfort during the lows. Whether your friend is about to deliver a TED talk or needs help moving her collection of vintage unicorn figurines (yes, it’s a thing), you show up!

Next, let's talk about how these squads prioritize self-care. It’s not just a buzzword, folks. Real talk: how can you be there for someone else if you're running on empty? We didn’t just preach self-care; we practiced it, from spa days to setting boundaries on our time and mental health. Feel free to check out more about Prioritizing Self-Care.

Another gem? The ability to communicate openly. If there's an issue, talk about it. Trust me, bottling things up doesn’t help anyone. We once had a mini-intervention for a friend who was notorious for forgetting plans. Spoiler: she ended up laughing and setting three alarms on her phone.

Oh, and let’s not forget the power of celebrating achievements. I can't tell you how many times we've hoisted a glass to toast someone’s success, big or small. Whether it’s a job promotion or finally sticking to a workout regimen, the milestones matter. Speaking about milestones, check out Celebrating Achievements to understand why this is so essential.

So, ready to find out the other commandments that guide a fierce female friendship? Stay tuned, and perhaps you'll even discover some new practices to adopt within your own circle of queens. The bonds you form today can shape your life's journey. Here's to the remarkable women who make the world, and each other, stronger!

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Sisters before Misters

Sisters before Misters Your girlfriends are more important than any potential suitor. Guy or girl, no one is good enough to come between you and your friends. Fierce female squads don't fight over anything so trifling.


Respect the Cone of Silence

Respect the Cone of Silence The secrets shared among squad members are to be taken to the grave. Don't blab to people outside of your friend group and don't use a squad member's secrets against her.

Frequently asked questions


Do Not Post Group Photos without Forewarning

Do Not Post Group Photos without Forewarning Every squad sister needs to look her best. Besides, it's just vile to post a group shot without letting everyone in the group see the photo first. I hate that.


The Group Chat is Everything

The Group Chat is Everything The group chat holds you together. It keeps you in touch. Even when it gets annoying, observe the sacredness of the group chat. Just mute that ish when you need to.


Outsiders do Not Belong in the Group Chat

Outsiders do Not Belong in the Group Chat Do not, under any circumstances, invite anyone else to the group chat. You're basically exposing your squad's Burn Book. If you want to introduce someone new into the squad, talk to your friends first.

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Have Each Other's Back in Every Situation

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Fuckboys Will Be Promptly Outed

Fuckboys Will Be Promptly Outed You are obligated by friendship and sisterhood to let your girls know when one of these fools shows his head – or his dick pic. Whatever.


Gossiping about Squad Members is Not Allowed

Gossiping about Squad Members is Not Allowed Why? Because these are your friends and you should not gossip about your friends. Here's a good rule of thumb: never say anything behind a friend's back that you wouldn't say to her face – because whatever you say will get back to her.


Squad Members Will Always Clap Back at Haters

Squad Members Will Always Clap Back at Haters You will not allow any ugliness to be directed to any member of your squad. You will promptly clap back at slut-shaming, fat-shaming, skinny-shaming, and any other kind of shaming, as well as offensive speech and insults. Don't put up with that crap.


Dating a Squad Member's Ex is Verboten

Dating a Squad Member's Ex is Verboten There are exceptions to this rule, I suppose, but those exceptions involve heartfelt conversations. Otherwise, this goes back to the first friendship commandment – sisters before misters.


Dibs Will Always Be Honored

Dibs Will Always Be Honored If a squad member calls dibs, she gets dibs – even if she called dibs on the last cookie or the hottie at the club. Dibs are sacred.


Squad Members Will Always Uplift, Never Put down

Squad Members Will Always Uplift, Never Put down Support each other every day. Don't tell a friend that her goals are too lofty or that her dreams are unattainable. When a friend is having a moment when she doesn't believe in herself, let her know you believe in her.


Cyberstalking is a Group Activity

Cyberstalking is a Group Activity If a new date, an ex, or a boss needs to be stalked all across the internet, every squad member will help. It's totally a group activity.


Never Judge Each Other's Tinder Mistakes

Never Judge Each Other's Tinder Mistakes Everyone makes mistakes. When your friend hooks up with one of those mistakes, don't judge her for it. Just laugh with her about it.


There is Always Time for Heart-to-hearts

There is Always Time for Heart-to-hearts Always. When a squad member needs to talk, you're all there for her. In return, they're there for you when you need them.


Forgiveness is a Must

Event, Lady, Interaction, Audience, Fun, Your friendship is too precious for ongoing fights. Never let an argument last so long that it affects your friendship. Find grace in forgiveness.


Full Support is Only One Text Away

Full Support is Only One Text Away No matter what you need it for. You can text your squad because you're having an anxiety attack at four in the morning, because your dog is sick, or because you have fantastic news to share.

Share this with your girls! Let them know how much they mean to you!

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