Why Should You Care about the Environment?


Why Should You Care about the Environment?
Why Should You Care about the Environment?

Do you ever think about the environment and the impact we make upon it? Do you think that one person can't make a difference, so there's no point even trying? If you're not really worried about environmental issues, it's time to take an interest - here's why you should care about the environment …

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It Affects Everyone

Every single one of us is affected by the environment. If it suffers, then so do we. We need to be concerned about what is happening to it, so that we can start to take action. We should all think about the impact that our actions and decisions have on the environment, and try to minimise the effect we have.


We Need to Look after Our Planet

Our modern, technological lifestyle has caused huge damage to the environment. As the population grows, there will be an even greater demand for food, housing and transport, all of which have a major effect on the environment. We only have one planet, so it's vital to take care of it and try to limit or even reverse the damage we have caused so far.


Taking responsibility for our ecological footprint involves making sustainable choices that minimize waste and pollution. Simple actions, such as recycling, using energy-efficient appliances, and choosing public transport or carpooling can make a significant difference. Supporting eco-friendly companies and local produce reduces our carbon footprint and promotes a healthier environment. Additionally, we must advocate for policies that protect natural habitats and ensure clean air and water for everyone. By nurturing a deeper connection with nature, we foster a respect for the earth that transcends generations—preserving our planet for our children and theirs.


Future Generations

We don't tend to give much thought to the effect we have on the environment, and even less about the future. Remember that we are only the caretakers of the planet, not its owners, and will be leaving a legacy to future generations. It is our responsibility to hand over the planet in the best possible state to our children.


A Healthy Environment is Better for Our Health and Well-Being

There's no denying that urban living is not the healthiest environment to be living in, with its traffic and pollution. But if we decide to use public transport instead of our own car, we are reducing the amount of pollution we cause. A healthy planet is better for both our health and well-being, and will improve our quality of life.


Looking after Our Resources

Our planet does not have an infinite store of natural resources, so every time we use them we are using up something that cannot be replaced. We really need to be conscious of what we consume, and do our best to reduce our consumption of those resources. A good phrase to remember is 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle', which encourages us to be responsible consumers.

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People &Animals Suffer Because of Environmental Damage

Environmental damage causes a huge amount of suffering to animals and people. From tribes in the Amazon displaced by tree felling to the health problems caused by transport pollution, it can affect lives in very serious ways. Animals lose their territory or can't find food because of human activity. It's our duty to be aware of this damage and try to reduce it.


We're All Responsible

Every single one of us is responsible for causing environmental damage; in the modern world it's impossible to live without making any environmental impact. However, we can try to limit the harm we cause, and live a relatively sustainable lifestyle. How can you do this? Start by using public transport or cycling wherever possible), buying second-hand clothes and other items, and buying locally-made produce direct from the manufacturer.

Together we can make a positive difference and help improve the environment. Everyone should do their bit! What will you do today to help the environment?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Yea people go green & recycle

So do true.

Worst thing is our education ministry told us to save papers. somehow it feels we wasted more papers for printing portfolio, record data and stuff..

Food running out isn't happening for quite a while or you could look at it this way..there is plenty of food on the planet the problem is this..the worlds governments manage food, land use , farming ect ect . If you mean resources like gas, oil , coal ect..there is always sun and wind and water. Deforestation of the rainforests is causing problems now and for future generations. I mean that you probably won't be alive when the world runs out of whatever you're worried about. Yes problems lie far down the road if things aren't addressed and fixed. Also a lot of people die every day from war, disease, starvation, accidents, murder, and old age so..

Luckily for you *Channce* you probably won't be be here when that happens

Very true! Good post:)

People who don't recycle really bother me quite a bit

I honestly wish people were limited to how many kids they could have, like in China. People reproduce so fast there isn't going to be anything left for our future generations.

What do you mean?

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