There are so many ways to start your 20s off right, although it may seem scary. Your 20s are a time for you to take charge of your life and be on your own. It can seem scary and overwhelming at times, but it is important to start your 20s off in the right direction. Here are some of my tips on how to make the most of your 20s and how to start them off with a bang.
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Know Who You Are
You won’t be able to follow any of the other ways to start your 20s off right unless you know who you are. What are your interests and passions? What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? Your 20s are a time where you should be mapping out not only your life, but also yourself. Your 20s are critical time in defining yourself, so make sure that you are working towards become the person you want to be.
Use the 2-2-2 Rule
Confession time: I stole this idea from “Glee,” but it is a great one. The concept of the 2-2-2 rule is before you make any major decisions, think about how you feel 2 minutes, 2 weeks, and 2 years away from the decision. All too many times, young adults will jump into decisions without thinking about the consequences. Although it can be great to be free-willed, the decisions you make in your 20s will affect you for the rest of your life. Make sure you are considering the long-term ramifications of your decisions.
Find Your Friends
Being in your 20s is not like being in college or high school where you have to have tons of friends. Your 20s are a great time for you to find out who your true friends are and who you want to keep in your life. You will be going through so many life changes during your 20s and it is important to have people by your side that bring out the best in you and will support you through these changes.
Have Some Direction
It can be stressful having to decide what you want for a career, where you want to live, and what you want out of life. Having some direction in these years is one of the key ways to start your 20s off right. Even if you don’t know the specifics, know where you want to go in life and what is necessary to get there. Think about what your dream job would be and find out how to reach it. Knowing where you want to go in life is the first step in getting there.
Be Open to Advice
As much as we all hate criticism, it is an important part of you 20s. If you are just starting out in a new job, take every piece of advice seriously. The 20s are a time to create a better you, and part of that is taking advice to heart. Not all advice is good advice, but every critique someone gives you should be considered. It will help you in the end.
Become Cultured
Why not travel the world, go to museums, listen to new music, and dive into new cultures? The 20s are a perfect time to travel because it is before you get married, start a family, and settle down with your life. If you want to take a year off after college or between jobs and travel the world, what is stopping you? Try to take in as much culture as possible to open your eyes to how amazing the world can be. It will help you succeed in your career, you will meet tons of interesting people, and it might even be a life changing experience.
Know Your Strengths
One of the great ways to start your 20s off right is to know what you are good at. It will help you tailor your career choices and find hobbies that you are passionate about. Think about what you are good at and what you enjoy and find ways to incorporate them into your everyday life. It will make you feel more confident about your future and solidify what you want to do.
And Work on Your Weaknesses
As important as your strengths are, think about what you are not the best at and how to improve in those areas. You can’t be perfect at everything, but if there is one area of your life where you think you have room for improvement, why not work on it? I personally am not the most detail-oriented person, and that is something that I am working on because I know it will help me out in the future.
Don’t Stress about Love
Your 20s are the time to have fun with life, why stress over finding that special someone? Go on dates, flirt with the cute barista, and enjoy life. If you find Mr. Right along the way, that is great! But do not spend all of your energy finding the right guy for you. I have found that people who are not looking for love find it sooner. So just enjoy life and let love in when you are ready.
Have Fun
You are only in your 20s once…so enjoy it! Although you should be planning for your future, you should also be having fun. Don’t sweat the small stuff and live it up. Make mistakes and learn from them. Enjoy life. Your 20s will go by faster than you think, so make the most of it.
As scary as it is, it is important to start your 20s off right. The choices you make will influence you for the rest of your life. What did you think of these ways to start your 20s off right? What ideas do you have to start your 20s off right? Is there something you wish you had done during your 20s?
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