10 Ways to save on Holiday Shopping ...


10 Ways to save on Holiday Shopping ...
10 Ways to save on Holiday Shopping ...

Save on holiday shopping? Really, you can do it, and without a lot of hassle or coupon-clipping. How, you ask? Keep reading! Here are 10 ways to save on holiday shopping, all of which I use every single year!

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Start Now!

The earlier you start your holiday shopping, the more you’ll save on holiday shopping! If you give yourself plenty of time to shop around, you’re a lot less likely to blow a bunch of money on a last-minute gift. Start now and save!


Compare Online Vs. in-store

Some big-box stores have different pricing online and in the store, so spend some time comparing prices before you buy. For instance, I found a nice netbook for my daughter for $214 in the store, but online, it was a $229 plus shipping! Also, keep your eyes open for special deals when you sign up for online newsletters…


Check the Flyers

Most shops send circulars to let you know what items will be on sale, and when. Browse the flyers and you’re almost guaranteed to save on holiday shopping… but be careful! Make sure you’re checking the flyer to see when the sale begins and ends.


Set Aside Time and Money for Black Friday

I hate to say it, but truly, one of the best ways to save on holiday shopping is to buy on Black Friday. While the crowds may be a little insane, and you might have to get up early to get the best deals, you’ll be glad you went when you see how much you can save!


Do a Little at a Time

Rather than spending a bunch of money all at once, and taking the hit in your pocketbook in a weekend, spread out your shopping, so you’re spending a little money every week or so. An example: it might be easier to spend $50 a week every six weeks than it is to spend $300 all at once.

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Make a List

If you’ve ever wandered aimlessly though the shops, looking for gifts without a list, you know how much more you’ll spend than you need to. You’ll end up buying double gifts for some people, and leaving other people out. Be like Santa: make a list and check it twice!


Compare Notes

If you’re shopping for friends and family, make sure you’re communicating with mutual friends and family, so you’re not getting the same gifts for each other! My niece loved the set of Diary of a Wimpy Kid books I bought her, but she wasn’t so pleased with the second set she got from my mother-in-law.


Go Refurb!

A new iPod is expensive, but if that’s what your son or daughter wants, how can you say no? But rather than spend a small fortune on that iPod, check out Apple’s deals on refurbished iPods instead! They still come with a warranty, and they’re just as good as the brand-new (and pricey) models.


Go Hand-made

One of the most thoughtful holiday gifts I ever received was a pair of hand-knit mittens. If you’re at all crafty (or if you’re a fan of Etsy), go hand-made and save on your holiday shopping! Yes, I did say Etsy… and yes, Etsy can get expensive… but if you browse around, you can find some marvelous deals on one-of-a-kind hand-crafted items! Another way to go hand-made is to bake something for everyone… yum!


Do Stockings

If you’re just not having much luck on saving money for the holidays, go cheap (but sweet) and stuff stockings for everyone on your list. Better yet, combine this tip with the “hand-made” idea and make AND stuff your stockings!

With so many ways to save on holiday shopping, you’ll be budget-wise but still make everyone’s fondest holiday wishes come true. Which of these tips do you think you’ll find most helpful? Or do you have any other tips for saving money on holiday shopping? Do tell!

Top Photo Credit: o5com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This year I decided to give gifts to friends from our school christmas auction. I did not really save money but I supported our school and got my gifts already in October. No need to run around for expensive, last-minute holiday shopping!

Black Friday is only a good shopping day if you have done your homework, and know exactly where you want to go, how early in the morning and how much you want to pay to call it a bargain. I shopped ONCE on a Black Friday, and have not done it again since. I hated it!!!!

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