7 Ways to Prepare for a Natural Disaster ...


7 Ways to Prepare for a Natural Disaster ...
7 Ways to Prepare for a Natural Disaster ...

If hurricane season teaches us one thing every year, it’s that we are, to almost a one, completely unprepared for the storms and super-storms it lashes us with and that we need better ways to prepare for a natural disaster. All year long, we see adverts telling us all the ways to plan for a natural disaster, but until it’s upon us, we keep putting our own preparations off. I’m not saying you need to get obsessive about it, like the people on “Doomsday Preppers,” but there are lots of tips to prepare for a natural disaster that we should consider. So set aside a little cash for supplies, get a pencil and paper ready, and write down these natural disaster preparations, so you can be ready.

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Keep Informed

Staying informed is one of the best ways to prepare for a natural disaster. If you can afford it, set aside cash for an NOAA radio, which will receive broadcasts of emergency information. Also, your own local agencies will have their own ways to communicate emergency natural and accidental disaster information, so check with them to learn how to stay informed.


Gather Supplies

Cash. Flashlights. Batteries. Water. First aid and medical supplies (including prescriptions for all family members). Non-perishable food. Diapers and such for baby. Make a list of everything, and I mean everything, your family (including pets) will need to survive for two weeks, then gather all of the items you can, and store them in a secure place, one you can access quickly. Don’t forget a manual can opener, trash bags, your eye glasses, and some books, games and toys for kids.


Stock Food and Water

How much food and water should you stock for each person, as a way to prepare for a natural disaster? Store one gallon per day, per person, for at least a week, possibly two. You’ll want food for at least a week, too.


Make a List

There are some things, like family IDs, prescription medications and eyeglasses, that you can’t pack away. You use them every day so you have to keep them handy. Make a list of these things and keep it handy, so you can grab everything you’ll need in a hurry, without forgetting anything.


Creating a comprehensive checklist is particularly vital when an emergency is looming. Prioritize the essentials such as personal documents, a supply of water, non-perishable food, cash, and first-aid supplies. Remember to include chargers for mobile devices and an extra set of keys to your home and car. Double-check your list against the supplies you have to ensure you're prepared. This exercise not only helps in the immediate run-up to a disaster but also serves as a proactive measure for any future emergencies that may arise.


Pack Your Bug-out Bag

You have your survival kit and list of things you need to pack, right? Now it’s time to pack your bug-out bag (with room for the items on your to-pack list) to have it at hand, either one bag for every person in your family, or an entire plastic bin for everyone. Keep these bags (or bins) ready to go at all times, in a place that’s easily accessible.

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Formulate a Plan

One of the most important ways to prepare for a natural disaster is to know the “where” of the situation. Can your family weather the natural disaster at home, and if not, where will you evacuate? Is this evacuation location good for any natural disaster, or just a hurricane? Where will your family meet, so you can depart together, in the event of a natural disaster? Who will pick up the kids from school? These are all logistical “where” questions that need to be answered when you’re making your plan.


Prep the Family

Now that you have your plan, it’s important to share it with your family, and to make sure everyone knows what they need to do, and when. Drill if you think it will help. You’re not the only one who needs to prepare for a natural disaster — get the whole family involved!

These are just the basic ways to prepare for a natural disaster; there many more helpful tips at ready.gov, for an endless array of natural and accident disasters. Which of these steps have you already taken? What natural disasters are you most worried about? Do you have any other ideas for ways to plan for a natural disaster? Please share!

Top Image Source: fineartamerica.com

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