7 Ways to Be Less Lonely in Life ...


When it seems like everyone else has plans, you wish you knew the ways to be less lonely in life. Perhaps socializing isn’t your forte or you’ve sacrificed your social life for your love or work life. Regardless, with summer approaching fast, the last thing you want is to spend the sunny days by yourself. Here are a few ways to be less lonely and to make the upcoming summer the most sociable one yet!

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One of the ways to be less lonely in life is to become more social at work. I once heard someone say that we spend the best days and the best hours of our lives at work. As a result, our love and social life suffer. Whether that is the case with you or not, your co-workers most likely get to see more of you than your friends and family. Thus, make work more enjoyable by building a friendship with your co-workers and transition from “inside of work” to “outside of work" friends.


Bury the Hatchet

The worst thing you could do for your social life is to hold a grudge. Holding on to anger and resentment only leaves you lonely and bitter. It might take a lot of pride, but make amends with old friends and reignite the flame of friendship. You’ll find that your friendship is stronger, better and more mature for doing so.



Birds of the same feather flock together. An easy way to make friends is by finding a group of people who have common interests. Plus, joining clubs, such as book clubs, sport clubs, etc., is a great way to fill up your social calendar, as they can be anywhere from once a month to twice a week.


Community Events

Many communities, especially in large cities, have weekly or monthly events for all types of people, whether they re cultural events or social ones. Community events are free or fairly inexpensive and everyone is welcome to attend. Plus, these events aren’t too hard to find out about since they will be advertised in your local newspaper or your city’s website. Community events are another great excuse to get out of the house as well as socialize with other event-goers.


Take Classes

If clubs aren’t your thing then maybe classes are. Cooking classes, dance classes or even classes to further your education or career are another easy way to meet strangers who share common ground with you.

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It’s hard enough to make friends, but to land a date? That’s a whole different subject. However, dating is another form of socializing. If you don’t know many eligible singles or don’t have many friends who can set you up on a date, you can always try online dating. It’s a great way to meet local singles and expand your social circle.



Volunteering benefits both yourself and your community. Besides doing a selfless act for a worthy cause, volunteering introduces you to whole new world of people. Volunteers come in all different ethnicities, ages, households and career backgrounds.

Feeling lonely can cause depression and low self esteem. Even worse, it feels impossible to make a new group of friends. However, you only get what you put in, so make the effort to attend community events, join clubs and grow the relationships around you. You’ll find it’s not as hard as you thought to make good friends. What are other ways to feel less lonely?

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I really needed this. thank you😊

I went through a really awful depressive episode which which had made me lose all of my friends. I still don't have friends so I am isolated 24/7. I really needed to read this ????

I really needed this. thank you😊

I went through and still actually am, going through a really rough patch in my life where I feel so lonely. I went and bought a puppy and it's been 4 months now I feel as if I have a reason for living now. Sounds silly but my puppy saved me.. You can never be lonely with a puppy depending on you

this helps but what if you're in a relationship?

I'm kinda struggling with the problem of transitioning work friends into close friends, I don't want to come off desperate.

Read the Quran, and you won't feel lonely anymore!

This helps thanks

Everyday i feel the pain of being lonely When I sit in my room, its me only I think I got the pain injection 3 years ago Where the one I loved so much said no It will get better I tell myself everyday I have nothing now where before all I could do was pray All I ever wanted was to love and be loved My faith used to teach me answers come from above Now my life has been thrown into total confusion And negative thoughts are a constant intrusion At school no one teaches you lifes tough I learnt unimportant textbook stuff Take care people x x

It is always hard on me. Thanks

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