7 Ways to Be a Good Influence on Your Children ...


7 Ways to Be a Good Influence on Your Children ...
7 Ways to Be a Good Influence on Your Children ...

Ways to Be a Good Influence on Your Children are essential for every parent and guardian. I'm sure that you, as a parent, want to know the very best ways to be a good influence on your children, right? Of course! Every parent wants to be a good influence! But it's not something that just comes naturally. We are all human. We're all prone to mess up, do stupid things in front of our kids and flub up now and then. But thankfully, there are ways to be a good influence on your children that you can employ to remember in these situations. These are the best tips I could find on how to be a good influence on your children and I guarantee you're gonna love them! They have punch, truth and they really, really work. Are you ready to find out how YOU can be a good influence on your sweet bundle of joy? Keep on reading!

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Teach Them Right from Wrong

This may be the most common, yet most often misused way to be a good influence on your children. Kids, especially kids at a young age, are very impressionable. If you don't start teaching them right from wrong at a very young age, you may lose that window of opportunity! Teach your children that it's not nice to hit or name-call, smoke or drink, take things that don't belong to them or tell a lie. If you start now, it will come naturally to them their whole life!


Look at It from Their Perspective

If you really want to know an effective way to positively influence on your children, learn to look at it from their perspective. A child who has hurt feelings may be more likely to withdraw from you and you will have no chance at all to influence their behavior, attitude or decisions. Small children don't understand why they can't have that new toy or play in the street. You have to explain these things, then try and understand their disappointment and empathize with them.

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Notice Good Behavior

Kids will often go out of their way to misbehave if they feel as though no one is paying any attention to them. If you want to know a way to be a good influence on your child, then do it by noticing good behavior. By acknowledging how well little Johnny behaved, you are teaching him that being good will get him more attention then misbehaving will. What a way to be a good influence!


Listen to Your Child

How many times do you stop and really take the time to listen to your children? I mean really, really listen to them? Children express things differently and sometime crying doesn't mean they are mad or hurt. Crying can also be a way of expressing hurt feelings, anxiety, fear, frustration or distress. If you want to be a good influence on your children, be the one person that they can come to with anything. Learn to listen to them so they will talk to you. It's good to let them get their feelings out rather than bottle them up!


Encourage Good Habits

Teaching your kids to say "please" and "thank you," how to pick up their toys, how to brush their teeth and turn in their homework on time are all good habits. Encouraging good habits in your kids is a great way to be a good influence on your children! And don't just stop at telling them to do it. Show by example and do it with them for maximum effect!

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Kids Will Be Kids

Remember that even if you are trying every way to influence on your children that you know how and they still misbehave or disobey occasionally, that's ok! Kids will be kids! They will have moments of goofing off or disobedience and there's not much you can do about that. Just be patient and continue to teach them right from wrong. That's all you can do!


Watch YOUR Behavior

Ever heard this expression "Monkey see, Monkey do"? Well, it's so true! Kids will do and say the things they see and hear! If you want a good way to be good influence on your children, then watch what you do and say around them. Kids will pick up on things, even subtle things like attitude and authority, so be confident and positive in all that you do!

I think it's pretty safe to say there are many, many ways to be a good influence on your children! I've chosen the 7 top ways to be a good influence on your children that I think will be the biggest help to you today! These tips, when applied will encourage growth in the relationship between you and your children and teach you ways to be a good influence on your children. Thanks for reading my article! Before you go, what are some other ways to be a good influence on your children that you can share with other parents reading this?

Top Image Source: weheartit.com

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