5 Ideas for Spring Break when You're Not Going Away ...

Allayna Mar 5, 2018

5 Ideas for Spring Break when You're Not Going Away ...
5 Ideas for Spring Break when You're Not Going Away ...

Are you looking for some things to do when you're not going away for Spring Break? It’s that time of year again and not everyone can travel to a cool destination. If you find yourself stuck at home, no worries. Here are 5 things to do when you're not going away for Spring Break.

1. Hit up Your Local Neighborhood Pool

One of the best things to do when you're not going away for Spring Break is to go to the pool. No, the neighborhood pool may not be ideal, but if you invite a few friends you can make it into a fun pool party! Have people bring various snacks and drinks, make sure someone brings a speaker to play hit jams (preferably a waterproof one), and most importantly leave your worries at home! Even if you do not want to get wet, you can get some awesome shots next to the pool for Instagram and impress all your followers!

2. Have a Slumber Party

Slumber parties do not have to be left in our past! Who wouldn’t want to have a party with your friends that lasts all night long? You can do face masks, paint each other nails, spill tea, or share your memories from the past and laugh as you make new ones. It’s the perfect way to have fun without having to go anywhere!

3. Start a New Hobby

If you find yourself alone during Spring Break, there is no need to fret! This is the perfect opportunity to pick up a new hobby and to make your own enjoyment by yourself. You can walk around your neighborhood to start an exercise routine without having to pay for a gym membership, and it gives you time to clear your head. You can try DIYs online, and have fun to see if you can actually replicate what you see. You can even start journaling your feelings and become more in tune with your inner self.

4. Go (window) Shopping

Go out to the mall or your local outlet mall and get lost in all of the clothes. You can go alone or with friends and have fun putting together crazy outfits, or you can go serious shopping to get ready for the spring and summer! Pro tip: buying clothes out of season usually means they are cheaper, so this is the perfect time to get those sundresses and shorts. Going out to the mall doesn’t mean you have to buy the things you try on either. Window shopping is just as entertaining as buying shopping.

5. Go out to Your Local Entertainment Arcade Center

A place with bowling, laser tag, and arcade games - it's a breeding ground for fun that lasts all night long! The more people you include, the more affordable the price, and a little friendly competition never hurts. If you want to make things even more interesting, you can even make fun bets and dares for people who lose in various games throughout the night. However, in the end, everyone is a winner with the arcade tickets you can cash in for fun prizes and candy. This is the perfect place to go for a great stay-cation!

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