Important Things Every College Girl Should Make Time for ...


Important Things Every College Girl Should Make Time for  ...
Important Things Every College Girl Should Make Time for  ...

There are plenty of things that every college girl should make time for. For most girls, going away to college is the first chance you get to really spread your wings and fly in an independent, mature, decision-making sense. This is, of course, an amazing thing, and your years at college are generally set to be some of the best of your entire life, full of new and exciting experiences and formative decisions. However, while you are experiencing all of this newfound freedom and excitement, you still have to remember to make time for some of the simpler and more basic things in life, because it is these simple things that will help you keep ticking along. Here are six things that every college girl should make time for.



Maintaining a regular and recommended sleeping pattern during your college years is super important for many different reasons. Firstly, your mind needs rest and recharging time to be able to work to its best ability in your classes, and secondly staying to as normal a waking time period as you can, will help you to more easily transition to working life after graduation! Sleep is definitely one of the best things that every college girl should make time for.



Getting out of shape can be so easy when you’re in college, that freshman ten pounds is no joke! Don’t spend all of your time out of class drinking beer and laying on the couch. You will feel much more motivated and mature if you commit to at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day. It can be as simple as power walking to class if you really can’t get to the gym or the pool!


Make Lunch

Maintain this healthy side of your personality by making your lunch every day instead of relying on packaged sandwiches and processed snacks to get you through. Not only will it help you to stay that little bit healthier, but you will also find that you save more money than you think!



Don’t be one of those college students who does everything last minute or otherwise forgets deadlines and commitments entirely. At the start of every week, sit yourself down and write a physical to-do list that you can stick on your fridge or by your mirror and make your way through until all your goals have been achieved. This small tip will save you a lot of stress down the road!


Time with Friends and Family

Don’t lock yourself away and turn in to one of those students who crams day and night at their desk. In order to maintain a healthy relationship with your studies, you need to give yourself appropriate time off without your mind telling you that you are slacking off. It’s as important to see you friends and family for much needed downtime, as it is to attend all of your lectures. We all need a break sometimes, so don’t punish yourself.


Me Time

And along with downtime, you also need me time! Don’t think that just because you are living together in close quarters that you have to be on top of each other all the time. Don’t be afraid to turn down an invitation every now and then to stay home and collect your thoughts with a TV show and cup of cocoa!

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