10 Things to Always Consider when You're Applying for College ...


10 Things to Always Consider  when You're Applying for College ...
10 Things to Always Consider  when You're Applying for College ...

If you're almost finished with high school or want to go back to school, there are some things to consider when applying for college. College is where you will make memories that will last a lifetime. There are so many colleges and it is hard and scary to choose. Here are 10 things to consider when applying for college.

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What do You Want to Be

Your future is one of the most important things to consider when applying for college. As much as you have heard about the college lifestyle, not all colleges have the same opportunities for education. You may be undecided in your career opportunities but looking through college course guides will help you be able to discern what university will allow you to study what you are passionate about. Some schools specialize in certain majors so make sure that the college is a perfect fit for you and your career aspirations.


Small Fish in a Large Pond?

Do you want to be a part of a lecture with hundreds of different students, or would you rather be in a small class and develop a relationship with your professors. Analyzing the culture of your school’s classroom and how you best learn will give you a guide to what school you desire.


Distance from Home

Do you want to flee the nest? College is a great time to experience a place you have never lived before and make it a home. However, picking a state school might help you achieve your lifelong dream. Seeking outside your comfort zone will help give you a good idea of how far from home you are willing to go.


Experiences at University

Party school? Volunteer opportunities? Closed campus, or campus in a city? These are all questions you will need to answer to find the college of your dreams. So make sure to research the city around your college and picture yourself living in and partaking in these experiences before picking your school.


Hot or Cold?

Have you always lived in Wisconsin and want to find out what it’s like to always have a tan? College is your first step into adulthood and will be a home away from home, so research colleges around the region of the world in which you would love to spend your life.

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Help Me, I’m Poor

Financial aid and potential scholarship opportunities need to be researched to guide you to potential schools. We all know that student loan debt is a crisis, therefore, do your research and make the best choice. Is it possible to get credits out of the way at a cheaper or community college before transferring to a four-year university?


Big Time

NCAA sports are important to some people when they imagine their life in college. So if College Game Days and March Madness is important to you, make sure you are applying to schools that are perennial contenders in the sports you care about.


Where do You Fit?

Before you declare a university, make sure you take a tour of the campus or take a walk around the town. This will help you know if you can make a life here for four years. Just like with the perfect wedding dress, you will have a certain feeling when you find the college of your dreams.


Study Abroad Opportunities

Travel and study abroad are dreams of most students when they enter university. So make sure you research your prospective college’s study abroad and volunteer travel opportunities.


Who do YOU Want to Be?

Parents and friends have their own expectation of how your life will pan out. Make sure that YOU are satisfied with your decision.

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